May and Fall Out Boy

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"You're coming to my party Friday, right?" May questioned.

Charlie nodded along with Molly. Andrew just shrugged. "I don't know May, the game is Friday. Unless you want gross, sweaty, football players at your party then you're not looking for a definite answer. Are you going, Mia?" Smirking, he put the pressure on me. He knew I didn't want to go. I'm not a party person. I would rather sit at home and watch a whole season of AHS (American Horror Story) or Walking Dead.

"Uh..." I looked to Charlie for help, but she gave me none. "I don't know May. That's two days away, and I'm working with student council on the 'Haunted Hayride'."

May shrugged and came back with, "I'll just tell Lizzie to give you a day off." May was obviously the popular one of our group. She knew everyone and she always got what she wanted. She NEVER took no for an answer.

"But even after that, I still have chores and have to cook for my mom. You know Friday is one of her late shifts."

"Mia, we all know you can't cook. And besides, the party doesn't start until 9:30."

I scratched the back of my head. "Even if I could go, I don't have anything to wear."

"Easy, we'll go shopping."

"I don't have money."

She smiled knowing that she'd won. "Then you'll just borrow some of my clothes. And I'm picking out what you're wearing." At that, the bell rang and she left the room. Charlie and Molly followed behind, leaving just me and Andrew.

He chuckled. "Should of just said yes. It was a good show though." I rolled my eyes and shoved him, he was obviously stronger and barely moved. He just shook his head and ruffled my hair. "You're still coming to my game, right?" He asked hopefully.

"Andrew, I was only saying all that so I didn't have to go to the party. Of course I'm still going." His face lit up with a grin.

"Good." He thought for a moment. "Hey, how about you wait for me after the game, and we go to the party together. Your car's still junk and I honestly didn't want to go to the party either. We could get in, make our presence known to the 'queen'" I rolled my eyes at his reference to May, " and get out. Then we could go back to one of our places and watch a movie or something."

I stared at him as the other kids shoved their way through the hall. "Alright." I nodded after thinking, 'what could go wrong'. "See ya later, Andy." He waved and headed towards his car, where Molly was impatiently waiting.

Instead of going home, I went into the school's library. My mom wasn't going to be home for a while, might as well do my work here. I figured, when she's on her way home she could pick me up or something. Besides, I kind of want to look up the past 'Mt. Jackson High's Annual Haunted Hayrides'.

Hours of homework and research later, I sat on the hallway floor waiting for my mom to get me. I closed my eyes and rested my head against the lockers, listening to music with my headphones in my ears. I tapped my foot along to the music and subconsciously hummed to the tune of the song. A couple minutes past, janitors strolled by with their mops, lights flickered in the empty hallways. Knowing I was completely alone, I started singing.

"One night and one more time

Thanks for the memories

Even though they weren't so great

He tastes like you only sweeter,

One night, yeah, and one more time

Thanks for the memories, thanks for the memories," I was startled by a deeper voice cutting my off with lyrics.

""See, he tastes like you only sweeter." Daniel sang. The corner of his mouth quirked upward as he leaned on the lockers opposite me. "Fall Out Boy, nice choice Sweetheart." He nodded in appreciation. I got off the floor and dusted myself off before gathering my things to leave. As I headed towards the main doors, he called out. "Hey, where ya going?" He started after me.

He followed me until I stopped outside, staring into the rain. "Are you waiting for someone, or...?" He trailed off. I chose to ignore him. "Wanna ride?" He asked, jerking his head towards the motorcycle. I rolled my eyes and replied a short 'no'. "Why? Are you scared?"

"First of all, don't you think it's a little dangerous to ride in the rain? And no, I'm not scared of motorcycles." I leaned against the wall in annoyance.

He got a mischievous look in his eyes and came forward. Slowly he advanced towards me, once again trapping me against the wall. "Are you scared of me?" He looked into my eyes, smiling evilly. I was confused and flabbergasted. It was honestly hard to think knowing he was all up in my face. I'm pretty sure I looked like a dying fish right now. My mouth was opening and closing, gaping as his face hovered above my own.

Suddenly, I shoved him away. Taken by surprise, he stumbled away dumbfounded. "No, I'm not scared of you. I'm anything but scared of you." I scoffed.

Impressively fast, my books were knocked to the ground as my arms were pinned above my head. I closed my eyes and whimpered, remembering my constant nightmare. I snapped out of my flashback and opened my eyes. He was staring down at me. He was suddenly leaning forward and I gasped. He only chuckled and kept leaning in. He kept his lips by my ear, his warm breath fanning my neck. "You shouldn't be scared." He said in normal volume. But then, if possible he got closer and whispered, "You should be terrified."

The honking of my mothers car brought me out of my trance. He smirked at my shocked state before picking up my books and giving them to me before headed towards his ride. Before he rode off, he winked. Still leaving me shocked, confused, but definitely not scared.

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