Lies and Mr. Gilmore

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"Pssssst!" 1 spit ball to the back of my head. "Hey, you! Psssst!" 2 spit balls. "Sweetheart, I know you hear me!" This time, a pencil.

At the moment, I'm sitting in history class, getting objects thrown at the back of my head. Why, you ask? Because I'm ignoring the guy behind me. Who is it? Well, why don't you take a guess...*cough* Daniel *cough*.

While keeping my eyes on the teacher, I feel someone's warm breath by my ear. I freeze as I hear a low chuckle. "Am I annoying you sweetheart?" I ball my fists and growl. What was his problem? What did he want from me?

He sat back down in his seat and I let out a breath of relief. Acted to soon; a ball of paper was thrown onto my desk. I rolled my eyes and pushed it to the corner. I heard a scoff before getting flicked on the back of my head. "Read it," he whispered. I gave in and reached for the ball.

(A/n: bold is Daniel. Italic is Mia.)


I rolled my eyes at the note. Was he serious?


'What's up?'

'Really? Are you serious?'

"Haha. This class is boring."

'How would you know? I doubt you really pay attention'

'Ouch, sweetheart. That hurt. Right in the heart. ;) But anyways, what's your name?'

'Don't worry about it.'

'C'mon it's only fair. You know my name. Plus you stomped on my foot this morning'

'You'll get over it '

He laughed quietly, but not quiet enough to get by the teacher.

"Daniel Storm, Mia Summers, is there something you'd like to share?" Mr. Gilmore sneered. The class was staring and waited for an answer. Daniel just laughed at the awkward silence.

"Sorry, sir. No there's-" I was cut off by Daniel.

"I was just telling, Mia," he drawled out my name, "how boring and useless your stupid class is. Also, you should get rid of the asshat haircut and start dressing like the human species." He smirked at the teacher's brick red face.

"Get out. Go to Detention. Both of you. Now!"

"But Mr. Gilmore I had noth-"

"No buts, Ms. Summers. Out!"

I pouted and got up. I grabbed my stuff and left the room, Daniel following behind. I was beyond pissed. He didn't really say those things, and had no right to drag me into it! "Mia! Wait up! Do you even know where you're going?" He was now at my side, smirking in my direction. I just glared at him. "Oh c'mon sweetheart, don't be mad." He grabbed my arm and turned me to face him, but in the process, tripped me. Before I hit the ground, he caught me; his face was inches from mine.

"Uh oh, are you blushing?" He mocked. "You are! Am I making you uncomfortable, Mia?" He brought his face closer as his hand dropped down to the small of my back and pulled me closer. I didn't know what to do, all I payed attention to was the proximity of our faces.

"N-no, you're not. B-but I would like it, i-if you let go of me." I stuttered, making him smirk. His eyes filled with amusement. His forehead touched mine as he gazed into my eyes. My hands remained resting on his shoulders as he backed us up, so my back was against the lockers. I gasped as I met the cold metal, and tried to push him away. A chuckle vibrated through his chest as I struggled to get out of his embrace.

He finally let go, but as I tried to walk past him, he put his arms up on both sides of my head, blocking me. I shyly looked back up at his face, my back up against the lockers again. His eyes searched mine as he bit his lip. I watched as he chewed on the soft pink flesh and glanced back up. Daniel was staring at my lips like it was his job. He suddenly looked back up to meet my eyes and brought his face closer. "I-uh...I" I stuttered as his eyes closed and started closing in.

I squeaked and ducked under his arm. Free of Daniel, I took off down the hall, not looking back. If I had done what I think was about to happen, I would of regretted it. I began to slow into a walk and looked around. Where exactly is detention?

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