Hospital Shenanigans

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(WARNING: EXTREMELY SHORT CHAPTER!!! It's just a transition into the next chapter I guess. Carry on...)

I gathered the white lilies in my arms as I walked towards the hospital doors. Jax texted me earlier telling me to go to the third floor and meet him at the desk. And that's when I saw him; crying to himself, Jax sat on the floor in front of the nurses desk.

"Jax what happened?" I ran over and hugged him.

"We have to take her of life support off she doesn't show improvement in the next three weeks." He cried.

Besides this moment, I've never seen Jax so emotional...vulnerable even. He just sat there crying, hugging me back like he was holding on for dear life. "That's why I have to protect you, Mia. Jasmine protected me when I was supposed to protect her. And now look where she is. Mia, you've helped me in so many ways. You've become like a sister to me. I promise I will always protect you. I can't lose anyone else." He whispered into my hair.

We sat there for a while as he silently cried on my shoulder. I barely even noticed May walking over to the elevator doors with a smirk plastered on her face...

Daniel's POV

My phone buzzed to life as I combed my hair back in the bathroom mirror. Unknown. I opened the text anyways, frowning at the picture. It was Jax with his arms around Mia, like they were hugging. He had his lips against her forehead, which made me curious to read what the unknown number said after they sent the picture. Once I read it, I froze. This isn't true right? They wouldn't...would they? I looked at my phone one more time, reading the word over and over.


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