Daniel's POV

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Lately I've been wondering why Jax and Mia are so close. They're always together, and frankly, I'm jealous. I shouldn't be though, Jax is my best friend. I trust him. And Mia, she's honest and would tell me if something was going on...right?

I walked towards the guys and sat down. Jax was missing, James was there though. "Hey, where's Jax?" I asked.

Ronnie stuffed a cookie into his mouth. "Hph-wfph-Mehumph!" I rolled my eyes and waited for him to clear his mouth. "He's with Mia. Why?" I clenched my fist.

"Why are they always together?!" The guys just looked at each other secretively. James smirked and started typing on his phone.

"They just trust each other I guess. They talk a lot. He found out... She opened up to him and I guess they just got close." Tanner shrugged, with a bored tone.

Yes, I was jealous. I was beyond jealous. I was paranoid and angry too. "Does she not trust me now?! What the fuck is going on? What aren't you telling me?" They guys sat silently, leaving me fuming with questions. Ironically, Jax walked up to us with a smile.

"What's up, assholes?" He joked. The guys looked at him, warning him to run with their eyes. "...what?" He deadpanned.

I stood up to see eye to eye with him. "Where were you?"

"... Helping Mia with her books. Why?" He said.

"You're always with each other lately. Is there something going on, Jax? Is there something I should know about?"

He looked at the guys and glared. He hesitated. "Uh-I mean, there's nothing going on between us if that's what you're asking. But there's something you should know." He said calmly.

"What?" I growled lowly.

"I can't tell you."

I grabbed the front of his shirt. "Why not, Jax?!"

"I-it's not my place! Listen man, nothing's going on. I'm just helping her with some things..." Vinnie cleared his throat, making Jax roll his eyes at him. "If you want to know so badly ask her, but I promise you, there's nothing!"


After I apologized to Jax and the guys for snapping at them, I headed off to class. I just sat in the back and paid no attention to what the teachers were saying in every class. Last period is the one I have with Mia. I wanted to apologize to her too. After everything I've pulled, she and her family took me in and treated me with respect and love. Sure, her parents do it because of Mia. But Mia, she's different. Always has been. I mean it when I say that it's hard not to love her...But lately I'm questioning it. Between the rumors and what I'm witnessing it's hard not to question Mia and Jax.

The bell signaled to go to last period, and I made my way there. I saw Mia sitting in her usual seat by the back and I ran to her. "Mia I'm sorry, so so sorry!" She looked up and titled her head like a puppy.

"For what?"

"I've been treating you like shit lately, but you put up with it. And we both pushed each other away, and I thought it was one thing, but then they told me, and I'm so sorry Mia!" I pleaded.

Her eyes widened. "What do you mean they told you! What exactly did they say? I trusted them! Now you probably hate me for not telling you! Oh my god, now you're gonna kill him!" She panicked, eyes watering with fear.

"Why would I hate you?" I tried to take her hand but she flinched and pulled away.

"Because I never told you. How could you not hate me? I basically lied to your face!" She cried.

"Mia, what are you talking about?"

"Jax promised not to say anything. He said you would be angry, and that I shouldn't be hiding things from you. But he told you!"

Told me what? "Why would he promise to not tell me?" Did Jax lie to me?

"He said it would be a secret, I just didn't want you to know. He didn't either, he thought it was best if you didn't find out, but he felt guilty and thought you should know. B-but he, he-" she hyperventilated, "we didn't want you to do anything. He said you would, and I knew he was right."

The teacher began to teach, but I paid no attention. Mia silently cried and I just sat there. I was frustrated to no end with this situation. I'm about to explode with anger, let me tell you that.

The bell rang, and Mia ran out in tears. Now I feel bad. I sighed, I should probably go find her.

I searched the halls but was suddenly pulled into the janitors closet. May stood there with a sinister smile. I was frustrated and was about to yell at her when May said, "Just listen to what I have to say first." She smirked. "Mia's been lying to you. She a two faced bitch. She has you deceived by her stupid innocent act. She's keeping a secret from you. It's probably why she keeps hanging with that hot mysterious friend of yours."

I froze. I thought about it for a moment. Were they lying to me. Was there actually a thing going on? Was that why Mia was crying? "Who, Jax? That's stupid, they're just friends! And if you know so much, what is she hiding? What is she not telling me?"

She trailed a finger down my chest and I slapped it away. "That's for me to know and you to find out." May strutted out of the closet leaving me with my outraged thoughts.

Boy were Mia and Jax in for it.

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