They Know and Daniel Doesn't

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Hey, it's Jax. Meet us at the mall. We need to talk.

I saved the number and got off the couch. "Um, dad? Can I go to the mall to meet some friends?" He smiled at me and nodded. I got my keys off the counter and patted Lilli's head before I left.
On the way there I sang along to Best Song Ever and Wrecking Ball.

I parked and made my way inside the mall. I texted Jax and told him to meet me at the food court. When I got there, I found him sitting there with the guys. "Hey, what's up?" I sat down.

The guys stared at me and Jax gave me a sympathetic look. "They know." He whispered. "I had to tell them, I'm sorry. I told keep secrets from them. Besides, they never liked James anyways."

I nodded. "Does Daniel know?"

"No, but that's your choice. It's your choice to tell him. The boys and I agreed not to tell him, but sooner or later you will have to tell him."

Vinnie spoke up, "Mia, when did all of that happen?"

"Um, well I was with him for about two years. And he was arrested the week school ended last year. So... yeah." I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"We know he was arrested, but for what? What else did he do?" Ronnie asked.

I pulled my sleeves over my hands. "I-uh, well he beat me. A lot. And that night, I found him cheating on me. So I built enough courage to break up with him. Only, when I went home, he was at my window. He ended up pulling a knife out on me. He was drunk and started crying and I was scared so I ran. He chased after me, but I called Andrew-"

"Who's Andrew?" Tanner asked.

"He's my best friend; besides Charlie anyway. But I called him and hid at the park. But James found me and..." I trailed off uncomfortably. A tear dropped onto my hand. I didn't realize I was crying. "He-he did things that I didn't want him to do. He forced me into it, I had no choice. I couldn't fight him, he was on top of me. I-I tried, really did. He wouldn't listen to me. He was stronger. I-I, I didn't, I c-couldn't..." I began to cry harder as I told them. "The pain was too unbearable and I started to go unconscious. My eyes were closed, I could feel nothing but pain. Turns out, he threw a couple punches in too because when I woke up in the hospital, I had broken ribs and a bloody face."

The silence was uncomfortable. Jax's jaw clenched and Tanner just stared into space. Vinnie had tears in his eyes and Ronnie's face was red. "How is that son of a bitch out than?!" Ronnie growled. "You have to tell Daniel! He'll be pissed if you don't tell him!"

"Yeah but he will be when I do tell him too!" I inserted.

"Okay, either way he'll be pissed! But he won't be pissed at you when you tell him." He said. "Listen Mia, you're one of us now. You're family. And no one messes with family. If he ever does anything, we'll knock him six feet under."

I smiled sadly. "Thank you. But, I don't want to put you guys in trouble. I'm sure I can deal with things." I said that, even though I knew I couldn't.

"Mia. We mean it. We're here for you." Tanner joined in. I nodded and smiled at them, which they returned.

Little did I know, hell was about to break loose on me.

A/N: Thank you so much for the collage!!
Edit by snugglebaby9

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