Threats and Ben and Jerry

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Mondays are stupid. School is stupid. Oh my god, THIS LOCK IS STUPID!! It was Monday morning and I'm late to class because my lock is jammed. I groaned and rested my head against it. I looked up and noticed the locker number.


I found my locker and switched out my books. When I got to class, I got a warning because I'm not usually late for this class. I sat down in the back and put my head down on the desk. Urg, why can't it be like Thursday or something?

Someone tapped on my left shoulder causing me to look up. When I saw who it was, I gasped and turned to face the wall. I calmed my breathing, and closed my eyes. 'Dont panic. Don't make eye contact. Don't talk to him. Just pretend he's not there.'

But it's really hard to ignore him, when he grabs your arm. I tensed up and squeezed my eyes shut even more, if possible. "Let go of me." I growled.

"Look at me." I didn't. "Look at me!" James silently shouted. His grip on my arm got tighter and he pulled, almost causing me to fall out of my chair. I whined in pain, I knew my arm would be bruised.

"Miss Summers, can I speak to you in the hallway please?" My teacher asked concerned. I nodded gratefully. When we got outside and the door closed he said, "Mia, did he do anything? I saw him pull you from the chair. Did he do anything else? Say anything?"

I shook my head no. "He was trying to get me to look at him. That's it." He nodded.

"Just try to get to class on time now, so you won't have to sit by him. Okay?" I nodded and we went back inside.

I daydreamed through the period. When the bell rang, I rushed into the hallway, but was slammed against lockers. I yelped as a forearm was pressed against my throat. "Thought you could get away that easily?" James spat in my face. "That's where you're wrong, bitch. I will get you back. You will be mine again. And this time, you will get hell. After everything you've done, your life is over!" I cried and struggled to get free. My face was surely red, seeing how my air supply was limited. People watched nervously, not knowing whether or not to stop him. No one did. Until Charlie came.

"Hey! Let go of her! NOW!" She stormed towards us. James let go and fixed his jacket. I fell to the floor, gasping for air. A student from a grade below grabbed me and got me away from him as Charlie yelled at him. "If you ever touch her again you will deal with me! Do you understand!?"

He smirked. "Charlie, Charlie, Charlie," he circled her. "Always the feisty one. I always thought you would become a slut though." He shrugged. "I guess I was wrong. But why defend her? She did this to herself. Why don't you and I just," he took a step towards her and placed his hand on her cheek, "go somewhere and have some fun. You don't need her. She's worthless."

Charlie stared at him as he smirked. Then she did something unexpected. She placed her hands on his shoulders and... kneed him where the sun doesn't shine! "I hope that hurts you douchebag!" Charlie came up to me, grabbed my hand, and started running. We got to the parking lot and got to my car. "You go in your car, I'll follow you with mine. Let's go to my house." She ran to her car while I got in mine.


When we walked through the door, Charlie's dad appeared from the kitchen. He was wearing an apron and holding a bowl of brownie batter. "Oh my god! Is that the Mia Summers!" He pretended to fan girl. "Oh gosh, I haven't seen you in forever! Where have you been? How's your mother? How's the wife? How's the kids?" He joked.

I laughed. "They're all good, John. How are you?"

"Oh honey, I've been great! And we're planning in adding a new addition to the family too!" He jumped up and down.

"Are you talking about that again, Johnny?" Charlie's other dad walked in. "Woah, long time no see Mia!"

"Hey Donnie!" I hugged him. Donnie and Johnny were like my second parents, except, double dads. Charlie is Donnie's biological daughter, and Johnny is her adoptive 2nd-father. "So what's this about a new addition?"

Donnie groaned. "Urgh, we haven't even decided yet but John insists on saying we are."

"Oh hush you!" John shooed Donnie and smiled. "We're gonna adopt!"

"Congratulations!" I smiled back.

"Thank you honey, but if you will excuse me, I think I just burnt another tray of brownies!" He took off towards the kitchen, leaving Donnie, Charlie, and I laughing.

"He never was a good baker." I said.

"Yeah, that' for sure! That was the fifth tray he's burnt!" Donnie complained.

Charlie cleared her throat. "Dad, do we have ice cream? We really need it."

Donnie gave a knowing look. "Girl time?" Charlie and I looked at each other, then back at Donnie and nodded. "Is that why you're home from school so early?" We just guiltily nodded avoiding eye contact. "Relax, I'm the cool one remember?"

"Hey, I heard that!" John called.

We laughed. "We do, I'll get it for you and bring it to your room. But just warning you, Johnny might just appear and try to gossip with you guys." Donnie whispered, winked, and walked into the kitchen.

Charlie looked at me and smiled. "Time to hang out with Ben and Jerry."


I shoved a spoonful of ice cream into my mouth. "Charlie, this isn't even Ben and Jerry."

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