Smile 'Tho Your Heart Is Breaking...

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Returning to school was hard. I didn't want to face anyone. Especially Daniel. But I can't hide away forever. Luckily Jax still stood by me after everything. He was like the brother I never had.... but not according to Daniel.

"Ready for lunch babe?" Charlie nudged.

I nodded and headed into the cafeteria with my friends. But I regretted it. As I opened the doors, time froze. It got quiet, and everyone stopped moving. I kept my head down as we walked to our usual table but a familiar, high-pitched, annoying, giggle, made me raise my head.

Three pairs of eyes stared into mine. One pair, belonged to James. The other, belonged to May. She smirked as she sat upon his lap and had her arms around his neck. And he just smirked, with his arms wrapped around her waist.

His eyes were filled with anger, betrayal, and regret. Daniel continued to smirk as May leaned down and kissed him, his eyes never leaving mine as they continued.

"Mia, c'mon." Molly took my hand and pulled.

When we arrived at our table, Jax, Tanner, Vinnie, and Ronnie were already sitting there. In unison, the greeted, "Hey."

I nodded in greeting. "Mia, the best way to get the pain to go away, is to smile and laugh. That's all you have to do." Charlie held my hand and squeezed.

"Okay." I said quietly. But I wasn't going to smile, and I wasn't going to laugh. I was broken inside. Not as bad as last time, but it still hurt.


Someone slammed my books out of my arms as I walked into my class. I looked up to see Daniel walking away with a smirk. This has been going on for days, he would tell me I deserved it, and to be honest I believed him.

As I watched him walked away, someone tapped on my shoulder and handed me my books. I thanked them without seeing who it was.

"You're welcome, babe."

I froze. I spun around to glare at James. "Go away and leave me alone."

"You deserved what you got!" He shouted after me. "You had it coming! I promised you, that I would make your life hell. You knew that, and you still refused to accept it. But honey, it's not over. Not yet!"

I stopped listening and walked right through the school doors and to my car. Forget this, I need ice cream....

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