Molly and Scary Skits

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"Oh c'mon, Andrew. Just pick us up after 5:00!" Molly pouted. She tugged on my elbow hinting that I should do something. I just gave the puppy dog eyes. Once Andrew saw the look he broke.

His face softened and he shook his head, chuckling. "Fine. I'll see you girls later."

As he walked away, Molly high fives me. "Yes! Now, let's go. We have work to do." She linked our arms and we headed to the field. There, the rest of the student counsel and other volunteers waited.

"Alright, boys and girls. Settle down. Now, for the next few days, we will be setting up for the 'Haunted Hayride'. There will be three sections," Ms. Paris informed, "the entrance, the hayride, and the end. I will be assigning you parts for skits and little roles later today. But first we need to start setting things up."

"Sorry to interrupt, Mrs. Paris, but may I ask a favor of you?" Our principal strolled over, Daniel Storm in tow. This couldn't be good. "Seems Daniel here, likes breaking rules and disobeying orders. So as punishment, he needs to do community service. Can he stick around?"

Mrs. Paris rolled her eyes but sighed. She reluctantly nodded and gave out commands as Daniels eyes scanned over the team. I kept my eyes on Mrs. Paris, but I felt someone else's gaze on the side of my head. I knew who it was. I knew that if I looked, he would be there with the signature smirk with his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised as if to say 'Are you seriously here? What a loser'. So I ignored his piercing eyes, and focused on commands.

"While you kids are working, I'll be going around helping and asking some questions. I'll ask you to do little acts to see if you can work in certain skits taking place. Got it? Good. Now get to work."

Instantly, I grabbed Molly's arm and dragged her in the direction towards the woods. We would be setting up random tombstones, fences, spider webs, lights, and noise makers. We grabbed our supplies and disappeared into the trees.

"You know, Storm was staring at you the whole time, right?" I didn't answer. "He probably didn't even hear the instructions! Then what is he gonna do! Oh no, what if he sets something up in the wrong place? Mia are you even listening?" She panicked. When I looked up at her, she wasn't even looking at me. She was looking behind me. Currently walking into the woods was May, and some of her other friends. They glared at me, snickering about something in each other's ears. Then May smirked, and the posse starting making their way towards us.

But they stopped. Wide-eyed, and shocked. A firm hand was placed on my shoulder as the girls began to walk away. "You know, I never understand girls." Daniel stared at the place May once stood. "I mean, you two were friends, right? Why the sudden change? What did you ever do to her.... Wait, you didn't do anything right?"

I sighed. "Not that I know of." I looked at Molly. Her eyes were widened in shock and fear at Daniel. I laughed and rolled my eyes. Her face turned red in embarrassment, and scampered to my side.

"I'm gonna go work somewhere else." She whispered and winked, leaving me behind with Daniel.

I started hanging up cobwebs on a fake mausoleum but something hit my back. I paused, then continued, only it happened again. I touched my back, making sure there was nothing there. After realizing there was nothing, I started my next cobweb. "Ouch!" Something had hit the back of my head. I turned to face Daniel, who was trying to control his laughter. I looked down at his pebble filled hand, back to his face, and glared.

The crisp wind whipped my hair around and into my eyes. I fixed my fuzzy scarf and zipped up my jacket. If it was this cold now, it was going to be a horrible winter. I turned to Daniel, who just remained leaning against the tree. "Are you gonna help?" I crossed my arms.

"Uh.." He trailed off. I rolled my eyes and picked up a bag of webbing. I threw it at him. "What do you want me to do with this?"

"Uh, I don't know, hang it up? String it on some trees, on the tombstones. Just do something useful." He laughed and made his way towards me.


My eyes widened. "Excuse me?"

He smirked and got in my face. "I said no, sweetheart. Got a problem with it?"

I shoved him away and he stumbled back. "Yeah, jerk, I do! You can't just stand there! Everything was fine before you showed up, Molly was actually helping me, unlike you! Then you came and made her leave!" I huffed.

"No way, princess. There was no way everything was fine, May and her bitches were on their way to make your life hell. And I did not make her leave, she chose to. She could of stayed. So don't blame me." He kept his cool and took a step forward.

"What ever." I rolled my eyes. He took a step forward. "And can you stop with the nicknames?" He got closer. "It's weird." I took a step back, and was stuck against a tree. "Seriously, Daniel. Back up. Ever hear of personal space?"

He took a final step forward and his face was now above mine. His hand made it's way to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear as the other rested on the tree by my waist. He looked down into my eyes as I looked into his, his forehead leaning against mine. "I know you like the nicknames, sweetheart." He started to smirk. "Is this bothering you? How close I am, how close my face is to yours?"

I gave him a bored look. "Yes, actually. It is." I shoved him away and moved.

He chuckled, along with someone else. Our heads snapped towards Mrs. Paris, who had been watching the whole time. "You guys are funny. You remind my of... Oh my goodness! Of course! Mia, Daniel, this is your audition. Mia, what I want you to do is start running when I say, but not to fast. Daniel, stand behind that tree." Daniel walked behind the tree confused. "Okay both of you, listen. Mia, you are going to run in the direction of Daniel's tree. You will look behind a couple times like someone is following you, you'll pant like you're out of breath. When you get to the tree, Daniel will come out and grab you. Got it? Okay go."

I took position and started running. I looked behind, gasping for air like I've been running for miles. I added a little stumble to make it more believable. When I finally got to the tree, Daniel came out and grabbed me. His arms snaked around my waist and I yelped, actually surprised at how fast he acted. He pulled my back into his chest, which was actually really warm. "Great! Now Daniel, I want you to spin her around to face you. Mia, when you see his face, scream like you're terrified. Then Daniel, I want you to dip her down, kinda like you're dancing, and pretend to bite her neck." She was making us act like vampires. Damn.

Daniel spun me around, smirking. I screamed as his one hand slid down to the small of my back and the other to the back of my neck. I grabbed onto his shoulders as he quickly lowered me down and hovered over me. He looked into my eyes before lowering down, burying his face in the crook of my neck. Instead of pretending, Daniel did actually nip at my neck. I shivered as he brought me back up.

"Perfect! Only when it's actually the time to perform, Daniel you'll need to be a little faster, and Mia you need to struggle more and scream when he bites you." With a final wink, she left us behind. I stared after her, while Daniel still had his arms around my waist. His chin came onto my shoulder and his lips brushed my ear.

"That was quite fun, wasn't it?" I froze and held my breath. His chest pressed against my back and I felt his slow, calm, breathing. He once again spun me around, but kept me against his chest. His lips remained by my ear and his right hand held my head, keeping it on his shoulder. My hand rested on his shoulders and his left hand on my waist. "Only next time, I'll bite harder." I was a little scared as he lowered his head and nipped my neck again. The tone in his voice was low and threatening, but a little playful. He let go of me and smirked before heading out of the woods, leaving me alone with my thoughts and bags of fake spider webs.

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