Motorcylces and Chubby Bunnies

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May, Molly, Andrew, Charlie, and I stood outside in our usual spot under some trees. I clutched my jacket to block out the cool October breeze, as Molly and Andrew were arguing about YouTube challenges. May was texting some of her other friends and Charlie was leaning on the tree half asleep.

"Gosh, Andrew! You're such a buzz kill! We are doing it at lunch and that's final!" Molly stomped childishly.

I raised an eyebrow as Andrew pinched the bridge of his nose. "What exactly are you guys doing at lunch?" Molly crossed her arms and tapped her foot, waiting for her twin to answer the question.

Andrew opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by a loud rumble. Everyone surrounding the school stopped what they were doing to watch as if something were about to happen. The rumble continued as a motorcycle rolled through the school gates. The sleek black metal gleamed in the sun and dangerously swerved into a parking spot.

The "driver" dramatically hopped off and fixed the collar of his leather jacket. As he pulled off his helmet, Daniel smiled and removed the sunglasses from his face. He strolled towards his usual gang, but not before looking through the crowd of students. Once his eyes met mine, he smirked and winked, making my friends look at me in astonishment. He continued to walk to his friends and didn't look back.

"Mia, what was that?" May asked, her face unreadable.

"I don't know, don't ask me." I shrugged. She just stared at me emotionlessly for a couple more seconds before grabbing her things from the grass and storming off inside. "What was that about?"

Andrew shrugged, just as confused as I was. "Who knows. Let's just go." We all agreed and headed towards our first period classes.

"Ladies and Andrew! I now present you with.... The Chubby Bunnie Challenge!" Molly squealed as she pulled a giant bag of marshmallows from her bag. "Andrew! Let's go!" He groaned and fell into his seat as a couple of neighboring tables watched in amusement with the rest of us. Molly ripped open the bag and placed the first marshmallow into her mouth. "Chubby Bunnie."

Andrew followed. "Chubby Bunnie. Molly this is stupid." He whined.

She rolled her eyes and placed another one in her mouth. "Chubby Bunnie."

....12 marshmallows later....

"Chubby.....Bunnie." Molly said muffled.

Although it was hard to tell, Andrew smirked. He placed the thirteenth ball of sugar into his mouth without a problem and said the two words. By now, the whole cafeteria was watching in suspense.

Molly pouted and spit all of her marshmallows into a plate. "Darn it, Andrew! You're no fun!" He just gave her a dorky smile and swallowed. "Ew, that's disturbing!" She complained.

"Oh shut up. You're just upset you lost at you're own stupid challenge." He said as he took one of her slobbery marshmallows and stuck it to her forehead. We all burst into laughter as she sat there pouting with it stuck to her face.

"Just you wait, I'll find a better challenge. And I'll win at it too!" She poked at him.

"That's what you said about the salt and ice challenge." He smirked.

"And the cinnamon challenge." Charlie joined.

"And let's not forget the ghost chili pepper challenge." I included. Molly huffed defeated. And went to throw her tray of goo out while we all cracked up at her failed attempts.

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