Hiding and Promises

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Warning: this first half of the chapter contains violence. Just like the other one!! I will put that half in italics so you know when it ends. If you're uncomfortable with this, please skip ahead!!

He held the knife to my neck, sobbing into my shoulder. I stayed frozen, silent tears rolling down my face. "James. James, please let me go. Put the knife down. Everything's going to be okay." I lied through my teeth, terrified of what he would do. His sobs just got louder and his grip loosened.

I took it as my chance to run. I pushed his arms forward and elbowed back, not so accidentally hitting him in the face. I grabbed my phone and ran out of the house, not looking back. I heard him shouting at me in the distance but I didn't stop. I knew that if I went to him, the beating would be worse than ever.

Earlier this evening, James and I went to one of May's parties. Andrew, Charlie, Molly, and I, were hanging around the pool while May went to socialize with the rest of her guests. James had went to get some drinks. Charlie, Molly, and Andrew all tried convincing me to break up with James.

The first time he hit me, he said it was an accident. Then it kept getting worse and worse. What started out as "warning taps", as he called them, became punches, kicks, cuts, and bruises. He physically and mentally abused me, calling me names that no one should ever be called. He told me if I were to ever tell anyone, I would regret it. But I told the twins and Charlie, knowing I could trust them with my life. They were all against it, they wanted to get help. But I declined, wanted to take care of it on my own.

After about a half an hour, I went to go find James. Prior to not finding him, I asked around for him. People pointed me in all directions, but I finally found him...cheating on me. I cleared my throat, causing James to look right up at me. He smirked and said 'hey' like nothing was wrong. The blonde he was making out with never turned around to show me her face, and honestly I didn't care. I finally got enough courage to do what my friends wanted me to do. "We're done, James." I walked out of the house and didn't turn back. My friends called and I explained what happened. Then James showed up at my window and pulled a knife out on me.

So here I am now, running towards the school park from my ex-boyfriend/abuser. As I ran, I dialed Andrew's number, hoping he was still at May's party (May lived by the park). As soon as he picked up, I cried into the phone. "Andrew, please! Help, please! He's after me, Andrew, he has a knife! I running towards the park, he's chasing me! Please!" I heard the footsteps getting closer to me and quickly shoved the phone in my pocket to continue to run.

"Mia! Get the f*** back here! You WILL regret this!" He yelled. When I made it to the park, I hid under the play-set stairs. I let out slow quiet breaths so I wouldn't be found.

'He won't find me. He'll stop looking. He'll leave me alone.' A giant rough hand grabbed onto my shoulder and....-

"Mia! Mia wake up!" Andrew pleaded. He cradled me in his arms on my bed.... Wait when did we get in my room? He looked down at my crying face and wiped away the tears.

"How'd we get here?" I whimpered.

"You fainted after your mom told us the news. I brought you up here and went back down to talk with your mom. Charlie brought Molly home for me. But while I was talking with your mom, you started screaming so I ran up here and woke you up." He brushed my hair out of my face. "Was it the nightmare again?" I nodded into his chest before he sighed. "Don't worry, Mia. I won't let that happen again. I'll protect you."

I sniffled as he soothingly rubbed circles into my back. "Promise?"

He gave a weak, sad, chuckle. "I promise, Mia."

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