Explanations and Football Games

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"Why is Molly all of a sudden, 'shipping' you and Daniel Storm?" Charlie slammed the front door open. She stormed towards me, fuming. "What the hell is going on, Mia!?"

My jaw was dropped and my arm was mid-air pointing the remote at the tv. "Uh..." Charlie stoppered and crossed her arms, tapping her foot impatiently. "Nothing's really going on. We aren't really even friends, if you think about it. He just shows up sometimes."

She narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean?"

"I mean...oh by the way thanks for what you did. You didn't have to get suspended because of me."

"Babe, you didn't do anything! I'm getting punished for my own actions, and actually so are they. This wasn't your fault. It's all on their nasty-asses." She laughed. "Now, don't change the topic again. Back on track!"

I laughed. "Right. So when I ran out of the cafeteria, Daniel followed and I guess you could say, cheered me up. Then, Molly and I were in the woods setting up for a section of the hayride, and May and some other girls started making their way towards us, but then Daniel showed up and-"

"Wait, wait, wait, wait! Back it up, chicken wing! Daniel, THE Daniel Storm, was helping for the hayride?"

"It wasn't by choice."

"Oh. That explains a lot."

"Ya, but Molly just left me behind with Daniel and we ended up arguing a little, and then Mrs. Paris showed up and she put us into an act. So now we are partners in a ridiculous skit." I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. Charlie just watched in amusement.

"It can't be that bad! C'mon, what kind of skit is it?" She sat on the couch next to me and put a hand reassuringly on my shoulder.

I looked into her eyes, with a serious expression. Not one trace of humor, just a hard stare. "A vampire skit." She burst out laughing.

"Seriously?! That's what you're stressing out over?"

"It's not that simple! When we rehearsed earlier, he was supposed to pretend to bite my neck. But he actually did it! It wasn't like an actual bite though, just a playful bite, I guess. And then, even when Mrs. Paris left, he held on to me and said he was actually going to bite me during the hayride!"

She just stared at me. Not one word came out of her mouth. She was blank. I waved my hand in front of her face and snapped a couple times. "You know, remember when I told you to stay away from him?" I thought back and nodded, indicating I remembered. "I take it back. It's not like I ship you guys like Molly, but the drama is intense. Kinda like a soap opera. I like it." I gaped like a fish. "Close your mouth, Mia. You're not a codfish." She winked and quoted Mary Poppins.

With a loud clash, it began to pour outside. "May's party was today." Charlie said numbly. I gasped and jumped off the couch.

"Charlie! The game! Andrew's game started ten minutes ago! Mother of all things holy, I need to go!" I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my jacket, gloves, and hat.

"I'll go with you, seeing how I've got no plans anymore." She sighed disappointed. "I've got a couple blankets in the car and some umbrellas, in case we need them."

We took off in the rain, towards Charlie's car. I shivered as I hopped in and was hit with cool air. Charlie noticed and switched off the air conditioning, muttering an apology. We sped off in silence towards the football field, trying to see through the rain pounding on the windows.

"Let's go, Andy! Run!" Charlie shouted at the field while I clapped and laughed along. "Mia, I'm going to go get the blankets from the car. I'll be back." She headed off.

I watched her run throughout the crowds until she disappeared. After a few moment of no return, Andrew had made a touchdown and some kid spilt some soda over my head. To say I was having a great time would be an overstatement. My phone buzzed to life in my pocket and I reached for it.

Received: 'Unknown number'

-Hey! Whatcha doin?


-Nothin much. Who is this?

Received: 'Unknown number'

-It's your favorite vampire, baby doll! ;)


-How'd you get my number, Daniel?

I saved the contact.

Received: Daniel

-I asked around for it. Take it you're not at that party then?


-Nope. You?

Received: Daniel

-Nah, I've got better plans. You busy tomorrow?

I stared at the phone. I didn't know if I should say no or not.


-Ummm...... I don't know...

Received: Daniel

-Well I'm picking you up at 2:00. Be ready. Not taking no for an answer! ;) See you then sweetheart

I slipped my phone into my pocket and huffed. I should of said I was busy.

Andy's team won, Charlie had left, and Andy was taking me home. "Thanks for the ride, Andrew."

"No problem, Mia. Hey, are you busy tomorrow?" He smiled.

I scratched my head, unsure of what to say. "Sorry, Andrew. I think I am."

His smile faltered and his fingers tapped on the wheel. We sat in an awkward silence for the entire ride to my house. When we pulled up the driveway, he spoke up. "Alright then. Well I guess I'll just talk to ya later I guess." I nodded and got out.

Once I opened the door, he drove off. Argh, forget tv, I'm going to bed!

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