Sunday Dinner and Baby Pictures

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Early this morning, my phone rang...


-Hello dear, this is Danny's grandmother. Would you like to come over for dinner this evening? I would love to meet the girl my boy always talks about

My eyes widened at the text and I laughed. Daniel's grandmother texted me. That's not something you hear everyday! But I mean, my mom would be at work, and so would my dad. So I don't have any plans.


-Sure! I would love to! What time?


-Great! Around 5:00 would be great. I'll send you the address later, when Daniel puts down his phone again. I have to go darling, he's coming back

I laughed and put my phone down after saying goodbye to his grandma. I put on a white knit sweater and jeans, seeing how cold it's getting lately. I put my hair in a French braid and applied a little makeup. By the time I was done, it was four thirty and his grandma sent me the address. So I got in the car and headed off.


I looked over the cute house in front of me. It was cottage-like and there was flowers everywhere. I would of never guessed the bad boy would of lived here.

I rang the door bell and waited. When the door opened, I smiled. But the smile wasn't returned at first. "Mia? What are you doing here?" I shyly tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear and then pulled the sleeves of my sweater over my hands. I wasn't sure how to answer his question, but I was saved when an older woman pushed Daniel out of the way.

"You must be Mia!" She squashed me into a hug. "Glad you could make it, honey! Come inside, it's chilly out here." She lead me inside and brought me to the living room. She ushered me to the couch and she sat across from me in a chair.

Daniel trudged in dumbfounded. "Um... So why is Mia here?" He asked, scratching the back of his head.

She slapped the back of his head. "Daniel! Stop being rude!" I quietly giggled while she scolded Daniel. "I invited her here, that's why! I wanted to meet the girl you talk so much about, but never bring over." Daniel's neck and ears turned red and his grandmother smirked.

"How'd you even contact her?"

"Don't be a dummy, I used your phone. Now are you going to come sit down or are you going to stand there all day?" Daniel rolled his eyes and sat next to me. "That's what I thought." She smirked and winked at me while I quietly laughed.


Throughout the night, Gramm, Daniel's grandma, made jokes and told me stories of Daniel's childhood. Daniel would get embarrassed and cover his face or ears and Gramm and I would laugh. Who knew the "big bad wolf" had a soft spot for bunnies and sparkles!

Gramm flipped the page in the scrapbook, and there was a picture of a man and woman holding Daniel's newborn body. We sat on silence for a minute until Daniel cleared his throat and roughly turned the page.

"Well, how about I go make some hot cocoa and you guys can put a movie in or something?" She got up and waddled into the kitchen, leaving Daniel and I in silence.

"You were cute when you were little..." I trailed off admiring a picture of him covered in glitter and paint. I smiled, he really did have an obsession with sparkles.

He smirked, "So I'm not cute now?" I looked up into his big brown eyes, but then diverted my gaze.

Nervously, I stuttered, "I-I didn't mean it like that, I m-meant..."

He chuckled and placed his hand on my cheek, leading my face back to his. "Relax, I was only joking princess." He winked and got up. He put a movie in the DVD player and sat back down next to me.

"What are we watching?" I asked while I played with the sleeves of my sweater. I shivered as a breeze came through an open window.

Daniel noticed and wrapped an arm around my waist, dragging me across the couch and into his side. I mentally shouted, 'WHY IS HE SO WARM?!' He smirked down and stared into my eyes as I was cuddled in his side. "We're watching The Conjuring."


Somehow, by the end of the movie, I wound up hiding behind Daniel. THAT MOVIE WAS SCARY AS HELL! He got off the couch, causing me to fall seeing how I was leaning on him, and turned the tv off. "Is it over?" I asked from the floor.

He laughed when he found me laying there and helped me up. "Yeah it is." We sat on the couch, not saying anything. Daniel checked his phone and called some one. He left the room for a minute, leaving awkwardly picking non-existent dog hair off my clothes. When he came back, he smiled at me. "Mia, can I ask you something?"

"Uh, sure?" I laughed.

"Are you busy this Friday?"

"No, I don't think so. Why?"

"I was wondering if you would like to go out Friday?"

I blushed. "As in a date or..."

He smirked at me. "If that's what you want it to be, babydoll, then yeah. It's a date."

I chewed on my lip and thought about it. "Maybe."

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