The Bloodlust Hounds (Story 4 - Chapter 5)

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With Dexx: 

The Anglerfish demon rushed out of the stairwell, having accidentally gone one floor too far and ending up in the basement training floor before rushing his way up to the lobby. 

Out of breath but determined more than ever, Dexx spotted Scott chatting to the Cat demoness at the front desk, but it appeared that she wasn’t listening to what the Possum demon was saying and was just nodding while paying more attention to filing her perfectly trimmed claws. 

Dexx quickly rushed over to Scott and grabbed his shoulders, the Anglerfish demon turning him around and startling the Possum demon. 

“Scott, where’s Venno?” said Dexx in a fit of panic, the Anglerfish demon nearly having regained his breath completely. 

Scott just chuckled, the Possum demon simply removing Dexx’s hands from his shoulders before crossing his arms and shrugging. 

“Your fiance went out for a walk. Said she needed to stretch her legs. She left just ten minutes ago, actually” said Scott, the Possum demon quickly glancing back at the Cat demoness behind the desk to see if she was missing their conversation. 

“Thanks, and listen, she isn’t interested. You’ll find someone who is, so just give yourself some time to find the one” shouted Dexx, the Anglerfish demon having already turned around and was making a mad dash to the front doors. 

Bursting through the front doors, Dexx glanced around and tried to remember which way the Outdoor Performance Hall had been in, but he was in too much of a panicked worry to actually remember properly. 

Dexx quickly shook his head before taking a few deep breaths to finally calm his nerves, the Anglerfish now able to think properly. 

Finally regaining his calmed senses, the Anglerfish demon smirked before chuckling. 

“Come on, Dexx. This is you, a former notorious thief turned Bounty Hunter with the ability to escape capture. I think I can make it before my fiance, I hope” said Dexx, the Anglerfish demon’s smirk faltering for just a second when he mentioned the last part, but he quickly shook his head and regained himself once more before making his decision. 

Quickly making a running start, Dexx’s jet boots activated the second he jumped up, allowing him to fly up and land on the nearest apartment building just down the street. 

If he ran along the rooftops fast enough while using the aid of his jet boots, he had a good chance to make it to the Outdoor Performance Hall before Venno did, plus he had the advantage in avoiding traffic.

There was a good chance that Venno had gotten a ride from her personal driver, something that apparently the Overlords of Bounty Hunting got when they needed to get somewhere in a hurry, considering Venno is pregnant and Jerry had an injured leg. 

With Venno: 

The Velociraptor demoness was sitting in the back seat of the sleek black car she was riding, her driver, an Imp, having been waiting out front while reading the newspaper. 

It wasn’t often that he had to drive the Overlords of Bounty Hunting anywhere, considering Venno liked to walk with her friends and fiance home at the end of the day and Jerry had preferred walking everywhere he went despite being late most of the time. 

He still got paid at the end of the day, even if he didn’t drive them around on certain days, but nowadays he was driving the Velociraptor demoness around more since she was pregnant and didn’t want to put too much stress on herself. 

Venno sighed, the Velociraptor demoness quickly checking the time on her portable work phone before putting it back into her purse, having started carrying it around more often in case she ever needed something such as a water bottle or a quick snack. 

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