The Spider's Broken Web (Story 6 - Chapter 3)

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With Dexx: 

The Anglerfish demon was casually walking down the street, his hands in his jacket pockets as he made his way over to where Scott said the prosthetics shop would be. 

As Dexx continued down the street, he couldn’t help but think about what he was about to do. 

Venno had asked him not too long ago to steal back the already stolen prosthetic, which is something that Dexx would have been more than happy to do if he was still a thief. 

Now that he was a Bounty Hunter, having started doing good and even slowly returning everything he had stolen in the past, the Anglerfish demon was a little hesitant to steal something. 

Although, Venno had made a good point that the prosthetic had been stolen, so he would technically be getting it back. 

That is if he could get the security footage so that Scott could identify the thief and make up a quick wanted poster, the Possum demon being unable to obtain private property security camera footage unless it was connected to the rest of the city lines. 

The wanted poster didn’t need to have a name or actual face to the bounty, but it did have to mention what they did and who put the bounty on them in the first place, which was why Scott had decided to be the one to put the bounty on the guy. 

The Possum demon is clearly pissed that this had happened, having done all the scheduling and planning for this surprise to help Jerry, the Possum demon having a great amount of respect for his old boss. 

Dexx didn’t know Jerry all that well when he was still the Overlord of Bounty Hunting, although he did recall planting a little listening device outside the Spider demon’s office window, but had removed it sometime after Venno had joined the Bounty Hunter Agency. 

Dexx shook his head, the Anglerfish demon returning back to the point his thoughts were trying to make. 

It was clear that Jerry was well respected as the Overlord of Bounty Hunting, and Venno had even told him that the Spider demon was like a grandfather figure to her and some of the other employees, those obviously being the two canine demons and Possum demon since they worked closely with Jerry. 

Dexx perked up when he saw the logo on the sign for the prosthetics shop that Scott had told him about, the Anglerfish demon deciding to focus more on the task at hand rather than letting his thoughts wander. 

Walking over to the shop, Dexx entered casually, the small bell hanging above the door chiming to let the employees know he was there. 

“Ah, hello sir, is there anything we can do for you?” asked an employee as he came out to the front of the shop, having most likely been in the back working on another new prosthetic. 

Dexx nodded, the Anglerfish demon taking out his Bounty Hunter badge and showing it to the employee. 

“Yes, I’m with the Bounty Hunter Agency, and I was told to come pick up the security footage for your camera. I was told one of your prosthetics had been stolen last night, and the thief was somewhat caught on camera” explained Dexx bluntly, the Anglerfish demon deciding to get straight to the point. 

The employee, who appeared to be an Imp, now looked nervous and a little unsure. 

“Uh, just let me get my boss” said the Imp before quickly turning around and heading back into the backroom, most likely the workshop. 

Dexx could only stand there and wait, the Anglerfish demon keeping his badge in hand. 

After a few minutes of waiting, his patience started to go thin, the Anglerfish demon perked up when he saw who he could only assume to be the owner of the prosthetics shop coming out of the backroom with the Imp following close behind. 

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