Honeymoon (Story 8 - Chapter 3)

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With Venno and Dexx:

The Velociraptor demoness and Anglerfish demon had both gotten invited to dine at the captain’s table, something that they had been informed of at the last minute as they were heading down the hall to their honeymoon suite. 

At the moment, they were currently walking down the hall to the large dining room, having just been told this just an hour before dinner started. 

“Why couldn’t someone tell us sooner, like when we first got on the ship in the first place?” asked Dexx, the Anglerfish demon still a little peeved that they had a change of dinner plans. 

Venno sighed, the Velociraptor nodding in agreement, but she then smiled when she caught Dexx’s glance. 

“I know, Dexx, but this is a pretty great honor to begin with. Not everyone gets invited to sit at the captain’s table. I don’t even know why we were invited in the first place. Maybe it’s because we're newly married and it’s something the captain likes to celebrate” suggested Venno, the Velociraptor demoness trying to think as to why they would get an invitation like this at the last minute. 

Dexx shrugged, causing Venno to adjust her arm that was linked around his slightly. 

“I don’t know, I mean, they probably get a lot of married couples with each trip. I bet it’s got something to do with you being an Overlord. Overlords are pretty renowned and revered, and you did take Jerry’s place as the new Overlord of Bounty Hunting just a year ago. He was well respected during his time as an Overlord, and you’re obviously living up to the legacy he worked had to build” suggested Dexx, the Anglerfish demon smirking playfully as he reached up and twirled a lock of Venno’s hair. 

Venno gasped, the Velociraptor demoness pretending to act shocked. 

“Oh, you want to make that bet? Fine then. If I win, we get to spend the entire rest of the week lounging around and relaxing at any chance we get. Oh, and you have to keep your shirt off for at least seventy five percent of the time since we’ll literally be on a tropical beach in our own little honeymoon section of the resort” said Venno, the two quickly stopping as the Velociraptor demoness decided to adjust Dexx’s tie. 

“I didn’t think we’d be betting anything for real, but I think I can do that just fine as long as it’s with you. But since you’re betting something, then I have to bet something, too. If I win, we have to do whatever I want, and I’ll just be leaving it at that” said Dexx, the Anglerfish demon resting one hand on Venno’s waist, the other one resting on the back of her head. 

This caused Venno’s breath to hitch, her eyes widening in shock before she chuckled and blushed brightly, leaning forward so that she may whisper into Dexx’s ear so that no one else may hear. 

“I think I know what you want to do this week, and I like the idea of it. But for now, let’s just enjoy a nice dinner at the captain’s table before heading back to our room” said Venno, the Velociraptor demoness smirking. 

This caused Dexx’s ear to twitch slightly, indicating he was listening. 

“Whatever you say, sweetheart” said Dexx, the Anglerfish demon quickly giving Venno a passionate kiss before the two continued their way down to the dining room. 

With Rad: 

It had only been a few hours, and Rad hadn’t even gotten the opportunity to hold his niece since Venno and Dexx left for their honeymoon. 

The Toxic Sludge demon was pissed off, to say the least, and it wasn’t even uncalled for. 

Slendithera had refused to let Elvira out of her sight, and Rad could tell that she was beginning to scare the young Velociraptor Angler demoness. 

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