The Dimmed Lights of Love (Story 9 - Chapter 2)

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With Venno and Dexx: 

The newly married couple entered the dark and dim dance club, the atmosphere and ambiance unlike how it would normally be, lively and upbeat music now replaced with silence so deafening that it caused Venno to shiver visibly.

“This feels so wrong” muttered Venno, the Velociraptor demoness hugging herself as she glanced around the large dark dance floor. 

Dexx nodded, the Anglerfish demon holding Elvira closely as the young Velociraptor Angler demoness whimpered at how scary the place looked. 

“Yeah, looks like Elvira doesn’t like it either, and that’s saying something” said Dexx, the Anglerfish demon knowing that his daughter’s judgements were something to pay attention to, especially since she was still an infant with a surprisingly good understanding of everything going on. 

“Venno, Dexx! Over here” shouted Scott, the Possum demon catching their attention from the DJ booth, waving them over. 

The two exchanged worried glances as they walked over to the large DJ booth that was located on the opposite end of the room, on the large stage that it had always been located on. 

“Normally I’d be real happy to see you both, and I really wish I was there for the welcome back party, but I’ve got a feeling you already know what’s going on from the look on your faces” said Scott, the Possum demon now crouching on the floor as the two walked up the steps so they were standing on the DJ booth beside him. 

“Yeah, we heard. Where’s DJ? Is he doing alright?” asked Venno worriedly, the Velociraptor demoness knowing exactly what pain the Neon must be going through, having had an ugly break up with Eric and nearly destroyed herself with guilt when she almost did the same with Dexx. 

Scott glanced down under the DJ booth, the thing having an empty space like a desk for some reason underneath it, but was hidden from view from the other side. It was just big enough for maybe one or two demons to fit under and hide, as if Roxxane and DJ had planned for something bad going on where they had no other choice. 

“Well, he hasn’t come out since I arrived, so I’m guessing he’s been hiding out under here for a while” explained Scott, the Possum demon gesturing her head over at the space underneath, indicating the two should take a look. 

Both Venno and Dexx crouched down beside Scott, the Possum demon shifting over a bit so they also had room to see underneath. 

DJ was huddled under the DJ booth, the Neon demon hugging his knees so they were drawn all the way to his chest as he sobbed into them, not even bothering or seeming to hear the arrival of the married couple. 

Both Venno and Dexx felt a worried pang of hurt in their chests when they saw now downcast and destroyed the Neon demon looked. 

“Hey DJ, we’re back. How are you doing?” asked Venno, the Velociraptor demoness smiling nervously, trying to get the Neon demon to talk to them. 

DJ sniffed as he glanced over at them, his hollow black eyes missing their normal white pupils as he was a shell of his former self, missing one of the things that he loved most. 

“Not good. My heart aches real bad, and I can’t stop thinking if I did something wrong to deserve this. I really love Roxxane, and I would never do anything to hurt her. She was even my inspiration for doing all this. I never would have realized my dream of being a DJ like my dad without her. Her dream was to open a dance club where everyone can just unwind and enjoy themselves and make amazing memories with those that they love, and together, we were able to do that” explained DJ, his voice sounding hurt the more he said, opening up to the two. 

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