The Unraveled Web (Story 2 - Chapter 1)

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With Venno: 

It’s been about a month, and Venno was already three month into her pregnancy. 

The Velociraptor demoness had yet to find out whether she was having a girl or a boy, but she wanted the gender of her baby to be a surprise. 

She and Dexx had thought up a few names they would like, but Venno was still unsure if she wanted to go ahead and name the baby until she saw it. 

She knew that once she saw the baby, the name would come to her. 

Venno could also tell that Dexx was starting to get used to being a Bounty Hunter, the Anglerfish demon managing to catch and bring in bounties the same day after getting sent out like she would. 

The Velociraptor demoness was happy to see that Dexx was now feeling better about hunting bounties, and he had really listened to what she had said to him. 

The Velociraptor demoness sighed as she continued to go through some old wanted posters that had been piling up on some of the shelves, most of them so old that the edges of the papers were ripped and falling apart. 

“Scott, I thought you were supposed to clean this place out yourself. How come when I finally come back here for the first time to put one wanted poster away, I find a huge mess with nothing in its place?” asked Venno, the Velociraptor demoness turning her head to glare at the Possum demon who was sorting through some old wanted posters nearby. 

Scott just chuckled, the Possum demon waving it off, the wanted posters in his hand sort of tearing as he did so. 

“I’ve been here maybe five years now, so technically the place was a mess when I arrived. I just never found the time to actually properly sort any of this stuff. But I did place everything near the places they should have gone, so we don’t have to go very far to put it away” said Scott casually, the Possum demon giving Venno a lazy smile. 

Venno scoffed and rolled her eyes, the Velociraptor demoness’ anger not going away. 

She and Scott were both kneeling on the floor, the two going through everything and sorting them into different piles so that they could be put away in their proper cabinets. 

The Bounty Hunters had already been sent out on their hunts, meaning Dexx and Barry weren’t able to help. 

Fiona had offered to help, but then she got called in to interview a bounty that had just been brought in late from the last hunt, the Bounty Hunter having managed to finally find and bring them in. 

That left only Venno and Scott, the Velociraptor demoness stressing over the large disorganized mess that she had walked in to find when returning a single wanted poster to the library when Scott was away from his desk. 

“How can you be so chill about this? You have so much time when you’re away from your desk to organize this place a little at a time” demanded Venno, the Velociraptor demoness feeling herself grow even angrier by the minute. 

Scott shrugged, the Possum demon seeming to be unphased by the mess. 

“Guess you could say I have other priorities” said Scott, the Possum demon still smiling lazily. 

Venno snarled, the Velociraptor demoness reaching her breaking point as she stood up. 

“Oh really, like coming to my office and talking to me after the Bounty Hunters get sent out? Most of the time you even come when you’re not supposed to be on break” demanded Venno, the Velociraptor demoness clenching her fists as she glared at the Possum demon. 

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