The Wedding (Story 7 - Chapter 1)

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With Slendithera:

The Porcelain Monster demoness, and Rad, were both waiting just outside of the room that Venno and Dexx were currently in, the Velociraptor demoness having just gone into labor not too long ago.

It had been Dexx who had called Slendihtera to tell them the news, and the two had quickly rushed over to find that they had to wait outside the room.

Slendithera was pacing back and forth while Rad was sitting nervously in the chair outside the room.

Slendithera had also planned to call their parents to tell them the news, but Dexx had told her not to since he was going to call them once the baby was born.

From what Dexx had told Slendithera before promptly hanging up on her, Jerry's operation had gone smoothly and they had been waiting for the Spider demon to wake up when Venno had gone into labor. The two had been rushed to a different room as Dexx had made the call to her.

Slendithera and Rad had also heard that Dr.Elizabeth had made the decision to stay another day or two to ensure Venno and the baby were alright before heading back to Hellis. Queen Pin and Thorn would most likely be on their way to meet their grandchild, too, so the three would be heading back at the same time.

As a little more time passed, the two younger siblings were suddenly startled by a nurse coming out of the room.

She perked up when she saw the two waiting outside the room, tilting her head to the side.

"May I help you two?" asked the nurse.

Slendithera quickly nodded, the Porcelain Monster demoness smiling.

"Yeah, we're Venno's younger siblings. Is everything alright in there? Please tell us everything has gone according to plan and nothing bad has happened" said Slendithera quickly, the Porcelain Monster demoness feeling a new wave of worry pass over her at the same time her excitement had spiked.

The nurse chuckled but nodded her head.

"They're both alright. If you want, you can head on in to meet your new niece in just a few minutes. I was told to bring their coworkers and old boss once the baby was born. I'm heading over to fetch them right now" said the nurse, smiling as she walked by, most likely on her way to where Jerry's room would be.

Slendithera couldn't help but squeal excitedly, unable to wait any longer to meet her new niece, but she managed to remain calm enough to not burst into the room rudely.

With Dexx:

The Velociraptor demoness was resting her back against the backboard of the bed, having just given birth to their daughter.

In Venno's arms was her new baby daughter, both she and Dexx happy to see that she was happy and healthy.

It had gone pretty quick and easy, to say the least, as if their newly born child couldn't wait any longer.

While Dr.Elizabeth was off to the side, the Dragon demoness writing down a new more notes on her clipboard, Dexx was sitting on the bed beside Venno with an arm wrapped around her shoulders.

"She's so beautiful" said Venno, the Velociraptor demoness still gushing over how adorable her new baby daughter was.

"Just like her mother" said Dexx, the Anglerfish demon smiling as he squeezed Venno in a tight hug before loosening, causing Venno to chuckle and blush brightly.

Because Venno was a Velociraptor demoness and Dexx was an Anglerfish demon, the two had no idea what their child would even look like since they were two completely different species of demons.

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