Episode 1

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I switched off the TV as I stretched my body. A sigh left my lips as I drifted into deep thought. I went through my memories, desperately searching for a good moment to replay it in my mind but I found none. There is nothing in my memories but boring, depressing, and painful moments. I don't even remember the last time I smiled.

Y/N:Damn I really have been living like trash!

I said as I scanned my tiny room which lacked both furniture and colors. It's just sad. I simply covered myself with my blanket but I was not able to shake the feeling of being cold.

Y/N:I wish I had someone to share the warmth of this blanket.

Before I could even realise it, my eyes began to feel both heavy and watery. I cried myself to sleep.

Next Day

Y/N: Welcome to the store. May I know what you're looking for?

I greeted my first customer in a month, as she walked through the door.

Customer:Oh! I'm sorry, I'm not a customer. I am just a visitor in this town and I appear to have been lost. I was wondering if you could help me find my way back.

My hopes were crushed yet again, but one could never guess that from my face cause it always appeared to be drained of energy and joy anyway. I was a fool to expect a customer in the first place. Afterall, who would want to buy old books from an old bookshop.

Y/N:You may follow this road till you reach a small park. You may take two rights from there and then a left. That shouuld get you to your destination.

The girl thanked me and went her way, leaving me in the company of my dusty books once again. It doesn't seem like any soul would show up in here anytime soon. Maybe I should get to cleaning in order to pass time.


I locked the door to my grandma's book shop as I took one final glance at it before leaving. It was dark out but I wasn't bothered because, well this is a small town and there are low chances of a crime taking place in here because the people here are quite close to each other, except me because I like to keep to myself or rather people are too revolted to approach someone like me.

My dad belonged to this town. When he was a teenager he decided that he would go to the city to study at the most prestigious university in the future. He worked hard for his dream and finally got into the university and moved to the city. He met my mother in that university as well. She was a foreigner who came to study abroad. They both fell in love and got married. Shortly after, they had me. I was an year old when they both tragically died in an accident and left me behind.

My grandmother decided to take me in and she brought me back to my father's birthplace. She raised me all by herself but I never felt like I wasn't loved. The kids at school and a lot of people in town kinda made fun of me or avoided me because of my brown skin that I got from my mother. I was bullied several times till my grandma motivated me to kick the asses of whoever tried to mess with me. That was the only motivation I needed and ever since then I have always stood for myself which is why I never got bullied again. But none of the kids were still interested in befriending me. Which is why I never had any friends, except for one.

He was a really important person to me, we used to hang out a lot when we were in school but when we both went our separate ways to go study in different universities we sort of grew apart and we never spoke again. It hurts that I lost him but it's not like I could've done anything to stop him from leaving. For some reason it always felt like he was eager to get out of this town. I don't quiet remember why, but it felt like staying here was eating him up on the inside for some reason.

I walked across the silent town, not paying attention to where I was going when I heard footsteps approaching me. Before I could even look up, someone bumped into me making me almost lose my balance but I regained it. I looked up, annoyed at the panting figure in front of me. I was ready to give him a mouthful for bumping into me when the whole damn road is open for him to run around. My eyes instantly widened when I got a look at his face in the dim light from the street lights.

Y/N:Tae? Is it really you?

It was his turn to widen his eyes as he recognised who I was.


He didn't let me say anything further as he hugged me really tight.I could feel his chest rising up and down harshly against me. I could also feel his quick heartbeat against me. He let go of me when I gazed back at his sweat covered face. I was ready to bombard him with various questions. I wanted to ask, where has he been? Why did he suddenly decided to cut me off? Why did he have to leave me behind? Though I couldn't bring myself to ask him all these questions when I noticed the dreadful expression on his face.

Y/N: Tae, what's wrong? Tell me. Why were you running?

I asked with a concerned voice as I clearly sensed that something was wrong. His face scrunched up as his eyes began to water. His whole body began to shake.

Tae:Y/N, they're after me. They're gonna kill me and my friends.

Y/N:Who's gonna kill you?

Tae:Them, they've been following me everywhere I go. I can always feel them watching me. It's driving me crazy. They even threatened me and said that they're gonna kill us for what we have done.

This whole situation was confusing me. Seeing Tae in this state was breaking my heart. I wanted to comfort him and tell him that it's gonna be alright. I won't let anybody touch a single hair on his body.

Tae:I need to find them or they'll kill them.I can't let that happen.

He was hyperventilating. I held him tight and rubbed his back, trying to soothe him.

Y/N:Taehyung calm down,you'll only make it worse for yourself. You need to calm down so that you can think straight.

It seemed like he got what I meant as he began to take deep breaths.

Y/N:It's alright, now tell me who are "they" and who are they gonna kill?

Tae:I-I don't know who they are and why they're after me. I just know that they want to kill me and my friends. I came all the way here to warn them about it but I couldn't find them at their homes. I don't know where they might be. Y/N help me find them, you're the only one I can trust.

He begged while clutching my hand tightly. How can I say no to him.

Y/N:Do you have any idea where they might be?

Before Tae could reply, we heard a bang from a distance. Both of us jumped as it scared us. Is that a gun shot? Who could possibly be carrying a gun in this town? I saw the police chief go in the opposite direction from where the sound came from, a while ago so it can't be him. Then who could that be? I looked at Taehyung's horrified expression.

Tae:Oh no!

                                ~TO BE CONTINUED
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