Episode 20

194 10 7

Author's POV

Kevin entered his house as he dropped Tae on the floor before going further into the house. He found his Mom in the kitchen as he hugged her from the back.

Kevin:What is it?

Mom:I went out for a while when I realised I forgot my wallet at home. So I came back, when I heard noises from your room. I went upstairs to check it and I found a girl snooping through your stuff. She clicked some pictures of your personal stuff. I don't know why she was doing that but I did knock her out before she could leave so you can just go ask her directly when she wakes up.

Kevin walked to his room and he was surprised as soon as he saw the person lying on his floor.

Kevin:It was her who was snooping around my room! I thought it was some fangirl looking for my personal stuff or something, but I was wrong. Why would she go through my stuff though?

He grabbed her phone from her pocket in order to check what she had clicked pictures of when his eyes fell on the notification that was on the screen. Once he read the text his eyes grew angry.

Kevin:So you all were in on this together! I should've known. I'm really glad Mom didn't let her leave. I had to deal with her soon anyway.

He walked downstairs to find his Mom smoking on the couch.

Mom:So what do you plan to do with her?

Kevin:I've got really special plans for all of them.

He said while smirking, as his Mom looked at Tae who was lying on the living room floor.


Jimin stood in front of Kevin's house as he slowly walked towards the door. His heart was beating fast because he was scared. He was standing in enemy territory and he had no idea what might happen to him but he couldn't leave his friend alone. He knocked on the door but he was surprised when the door creaked open. He hesitated before opening it fully.

As soon as he opened the door he saw Tae tied up to a chair, unconscious. Jimin rushed in without a thought. He called out to Tae as he began untying him. Before he could completely untie him, Jimin was dragged away from Tae by the hair. Kevin dropped him to the ground and gave him a hard kick, making him scream in pain. He kicked him once again before grabbing his collar and punching his face. Jimin fell to the ground as he rolled around in pain. He tried to get up when he was once again kicked in the guts.

Jimin was in too much pain that he didn't realise when his hands were grabbed and tied to a table. He laid on the floor as he sobbed in pain. He knew it would end up this way. Kevin kneeled in front of him.

Kevin:You're a fool for coming here. You could've saved yourself if you ran away but now you will share the same fate as your frieds.

He said pointing to Tae and in the direction where Y/N was lying unconscious. Jimin's eyes widened.

Jimin:No, Y/N! What did you do to her?

Kevin:Sadly, she is just unconscious. But don't worry, she will wake up soon...only to be put back to sleep forever.

He said through gritted teeth as Jimin's eyes grew wide and he tried to get his hands free.

Kevin:You all really thought you could plot something like that against me and I will let you get away with it!

He yelled at Jimin who was too scared to say anything.


Everybody's attention was drawn towards Y/N who was slowly trying to get up. Kevin got up and approached her.

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