Episode 21

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I was once again back in the cold and dark void. It's so gloomy here, I don't wanna stay here. I curled into a ball as I remembered what had happened before I got here. I did save them all and that makes me happy but I'm also sad because I won't be able to see them all anymore. Tears began to roll down my cheeks as I began sobbing.

I suddenly felt a warm touch on my arm. I looked up and saw a tiny ball of light floating around. I think I've seen it before. It danced around me. I curiously lifted a finger to touch it but it backed away. I leaned forward and tried to touch it again but it flew away. I don't know what came over me as I started chasing the ball. Something in me was telling me to chase after it. I must not lose it or else I will forever be stuck in this dark void. I was having a hard time catching it though. It was hovering above my head when I tried to clasp it but it escaped.

Y/N:Stop being a pain in the ass already and let me catch you!

I said annoyed as the ball flew farther away. I ran after it with everything I had but it was too fast and I was out of breath. I stopped running as I breathed heavily in order to catch my breath. The ball stopped before slowly floating my way. I turned my back towards it when I felt it tap against my back, but I didn't show any reaction. It did that again before floating in front of my face. I simply looked down as the ball tried to float even closer to me. Perfect!


I clasped the ball in my hand at the right time. It knocked against my hand in order to get out but I clasped my hands tighter. After a while I could feel the light fading into my hands and the warmth being absorbed by my body. I opened my palms and saw that the light had completely faded and instead my palms began to glow. The light began spreading to my whole body as I stared down at myself confused.

I looked around me and my surroundings had started to change as I saw thousands of little balls of light burst out of me and light up the place.

Y/N:What's happening to me?

My whole vision grew white as I covered my eyes to shield them from the bright light. And then...everything went quiet.

I slowly opened my eyes as my blurry vision cleared. I was in my room. I could hear a beep from beside me. I tried to move but my body felt limp. I sighed as I looked at the ceiling. Is this a dream? Or am I really back in my world? I seriously thought I would die this time. I was brought out my thoughts when I heard a loud thud. I rolled my eyes to the side to look at the source of the sound as I saw my grandmother standing at the door with a shocked face. A tear left her eye.

Grandma:Y/N, sweetie are you really awake?


I couldn't let out any words but this response was enough for grandma to come running towards me as she covered my face with kisses and hugged me.

Grandma:Oh thank heavens! I knew it, I knew you would wake up someday.

She had rushed me to the hospital soon after that and now I was being examined by the doctors. After they were done, they went out. I looked outside the window in deep thought when grandma entered the room with a huge smile on her face. She sat beside me as she caressed my cheek.

Y/N:G-Grandma, what happened?

She sighed before replying.

Grandma:You had serious injuries in your head which made you fall into a coma. It was really serious and the doctors said that you might never wake up but...we didn't give up on you. And look at you now, you're finally awake!

Y/N:How long have I been in a coma?

Grandma:It's been seven years.

Y/N:What about the others? Are they-

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