Episode 15

206 13 4


I walked around without knowing where I was headed as my mind was in deep thought.

Y/N:There is no way those two would commit suicide and that too at that place. There is definitely something else going on here.

I looked up and saw that I had unconsciously walked to where the old abandoned building was.

Y/N:I think I know what might be the reason behind their deaths.

With that I walked closer to the building. There were a lot of signs there that read "restricted area" in order to stop anyone from entering the building. I walked inside as I cautiously looked around. I was now standing in the hallway of the top floor. I slowly approached the room where that incident had taken place. I  walked in silence when I heard some shuffling and I stopped in my tracks as my heart started beating fast. I stood out of the room and peeked inside. I could see a figure standing in there. It was a boy who was sobbing while looking down. He looked a bit familiar so I stepped a bit further so I could get a better look at him when I stepped on a few stones and they made a crunch sound.

The boy stopped sobbing and his head snapped in my direction. His eyes grew wide and so did mine. I couldn't help myself as I ran towards him and pulled him into a hug. He buried his head in my neck as I rested my head on top of his while my arms were wrapped around his shoulders. We both stayed like that for a while before parting. He wiped his tears before looking up at me.

Jungkook:I didn't know you would show up today. I haven't seen you in years.

Y/N:I'm sorry for not seeing you.

Jungkook:It's actually not your fault. After what happened six years ago, you said so yourself that this town was suffocating you and you hated in here so you needed to get out of here as soon as possible, and you did. You finally got a job in the city far away from this place and far away from us.

He said the last part while smiling but his eyes told a completely different story. It felt like my heart was struck by an arrow.

Jungkook:When did you come back in town anyway?

Y/N:Just today. I came here to meet you guys, only to find out that-

My heart hurts just at the thought of that.

Y/N:I can't believe I didn't know about any of this.

Jungkook:After you moved out from the town you kinda cut everybody off, including your grandma. She got really sick after a while so Tae was looking after her because you weren't there. He insisted her to call you back here because she really missed you and your absence was making her condition worse but she refused. She said she didn't wanted to bother you because you were finally starting a new chapter in your life and you had finally moved on from that incident. She couldn't drag you back into this town and make you suffer all over again. Shortly after, she passed away. We wanted to inform you about it but you never answered your phone.

So he's telling me that not only did I left my sick grandma here by herself, but I didn't even show up at her funeral! Extreme sorrow dawned upon me.

Y/N:How could I! No, you're lying. I would never do that! What the fuck is wrong with this future? Why the fuck would I end up like this?

I said as I grabbed my hair in frustration while Jungkook looked at me confused. I heard him chuckle after a while and it was my turn to look at him confused.

Jungkook:You've always been a bit strange. I remember you said something like this six years ago and now after all these years you still say weird stuff like that.

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