Episode 9

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Tae and I walked towards our usual table as Jimin waved at us. We greeted him before taking a seat beside him. While we were eating, Somi approached our table as well. She leaned and kissed Jimin before sitting beside him. He simply blushed as he smiled at her. These two recently began dating and I was happy for Jimin to be honest.

Y/N:Alright guys, I gotta go now, something came up. I'll see you all later.

I bid everyone goodbye as I walked towards the teacher's office since I had to pick up some notes from my teacher. I paused in my way when I received a text from my grandma about something. While I was busy texting her back I felt someone crash into my back, making me fall forward and crash into the person who happened to be in front of me. I regained my balance before I could fall but the person in front of me wasn't lucky enough.

My body reacted on its own and as a reflex I tried to prevent the person in front of me from falling on their butt by wrapping my arm around their waist. I looked at the person's face and I almost let out a groan when I saw a blushing Jungkook in my arms. I noticed that he was holding onto my shoulders for support while my arm was draped around his incredibly thin waist. I looked around and noticed that a few people were staring at us as they whispered something to each other. Jungkook noticed that too which made him regain his posture and push me away from him before speed walking away from me.

Y/N:Ugh! Why do we always have such weird interactions? They always end up with him running away from me. I am convinced that he must hate me at this point.

Next Day

Grandma:Sweetie would you mind visiting my friend who lives in the town right next to us? She hasn't been feeling very well recently so I wanted to cheer her up by cooking her favorite dish. But after doing all that work I feel awfully tired and I don't think I can make the trip to her in my current condition.

Y/N:It's alright grandma. I don't really have anythng to do right now so I have no problem in visiting your friend. Besides, I would do anything for you.

I said as I hugged her. She kissed my forehead before leaving to pack the food for her friend. I walked towards my closet. I grabbed a pair of black baggy jeans along with a white oversized t-shirt. I ran downstairs and put on my white converse highs. Perfect!

Y/N:I'm ready to go.

Grandma approached me and handed me a bag. I walked out the house and grabbed my bicycle before beginning my journey.


Woman:Thank you for visiting me dear. Tell your grandma that I enjoyed the food very much and I'll visit her once I feel better.

Y/N:I sure will. Thank you for your hospitality.

Woman:Oh it's nothing. Hurry up now, it's almost dark. You won't want your grandma to worry about you.

I bowed to her and went my way. I originally planned to just drop the food with her and leave but she was really nice and offered me some snacks so I couldn't refuse her. We talked for a while and before we even realised it, it was dark outside.

I pedalled my bike really fast because it's dark and I am a female who is all by herself. Though I know a few self defense techniques and I have my pocket knife with me all the time but I would still like to avoid any incidents.

As I was cycling towards my home, the local bus stand came into my view and I could see the silhouette of a man crouching on the ground. My brain was giving me warning signals so I was planning to simply pass by the stand without even looking at the man. When I was almost about to pass by the stand the man turned his head in my direction but soon covered his eyes as the light from the front of my bicycle hit his face. I hurriedly applied breaks.

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