Episode 6

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I could hear voices of people all around me but I didn't recognise any of them. I couldn't really make out what they were saying. Who are these people? And why are they so loud? What are they doing in my house? Is it already time for school? Must hurry up, Tae might be waiting for me. I promised to give him a ride to school.

I slowly began to open my eyes but for some reason, it was really hard for me to open my eyelids. With some struggle, I finally managed to fully open my eyes but my vision was a bit blurred before it returned to normal. The first thing I saw was a person in white coat, staring right at me as she spoke something.

???:Miss, can you hear me?

Y/N:Y-Yeah I hear you. W-Where am I?

???:Miss, this is the hospital.

Y/N:The hospital! But why am I here?

???:You were bought here because you were shot.

My eyes grew wide. No way!

Y/N:I was shot?

???:Yes, don't you remember?

I paused for a moment.

Y/N:May I know what year this is?

???:It's year 2012.

I froze as soon as she said that.

Y/N:So I am back!

???:I beg your pardon?


???:Alright. I shall run a few tests now if you don't mind.

Y/N:Go ahead.

After a while she left. I laid in the hospital bed as I stared at the ceiling. I'm really back to the present! A present where my friend is dead. How did I get back hear though? I remember falling asleep on my bed. But I don't remember doing anything special that would trigger the time travel. I still can't believe I journeyed back to the past and now I'm back to the present again. That wasn't a dream at all.

This is perfect! Now all I need to do is find out the truth. But how can I do that? I need to find someone who might know what happened to Taehyung and if he really killed someone. But who? A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.

Y/N:Who is it?

Nurse:You have a visitor miss. Shall I send her in?


With that a middle aged woman entered the room. She came towards me and gave me a tight hug as she sobbed into my shoulder.

Mrs. Kim:He's gone Y/N, my baby is gone.

She cried harder and I couldn't hold back my tears after seeing her sob in my arms. We both hugged each other as we mourned my best friend's death. After a while, she calmed down.

Mrs. Kim:I'm glad that at least you're fine. I'm sure Tae is happy that you survived.

She said with a sad smile as I simply caressed her hand. After Tae went to the city she was all by herself because Tae was an only child and her husband left her way before Tae was even born. She always treated me like her own child so I would often visit her to keep her company. I can't even imagine the pain she must be in because she lost the only person she had in this world. We both talked for a while.

Y/N:Is the police bothering you too much?

Mrs. Kim:Yes, they've been terrible. They keep asking me stupid questions. I would answer them but right now I just want to be left alone. My son died for god's sake! At least let me mourn in peace. It's not like answering your silly questions will bring him back.

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