Episode 12

192 10 1

Jungkook's POV

Jungkook was at his home when he got a call.

Jungkook:Yes hyung?

Kevin:You got time?

Jungkook:Yes, why?

Kevin:I had something I wanted to show you. Do you think you can come outside for a while?

Jungkook:It's kinda late. I'm not sure Mom would be ok with it.

Kevin:Please Kookie, for your hyung.

There was a pause before Jungkook let out a sigh.


Kevin:Meet me at the old abandoned building outside your town.

With that he hung up.

Jungkook:Why that creepy place?

He shrugged before cautiously walking out the house.


Jungkook:Hyung, where are you? I'm outside the building.

Kevin:Come to the fourth floor.

He hung up as Kook stared at his phone confused.

Jungkook:What's up with him today? He usually doesn't sound like that.

Jungkook looked up at the building and something inside him wanted him walk away from there but he decided against it and slowly started walking upstairs. He was now standing in a hallway.

Jungkook:Hyung, are you there?

He slowly walked ahead while calling for his hyung. He was about to call for him again when he was pulled inside a room. He was harshly pushed against the wall as he let out a hiss from the impact. He looked up and his eyes widened as he saw the male in front of him who was trapping him between himself and the wall with his big strong arms.

Jungkook:Ouch! Hyung what was that for?

The male didn't say anything as he stared Kook dead in the eye. Kook gulped at his stare before continuing.

Jungkook:Why did you call me out here this late? I might get in trouble once Mom finds out I sneaked out of the house this late.

The man began leaning closer to Kook while his hands trailed down to his butt and he began groping it while maintaining eye contact with him. Jungkook felt uncomfortable because of both his stare and his actions so he tried to squirm and get out of his grip.

Jungkook:Hyung, what are you doing? Stop it.

He didn't stop and leaned dangerously close to his lips. Jungkook pushed Kevin's face away from him.

Jungkook:Hyung I said stop-

He was cut off by a harsh slap. He reached for his cheek that was burning as he stared at him with wide eyes.

Kevin:Just shut up and suck my dick already.

Jungkook was too stunned to say anything.

Jungkook:Hyung what are you sayin-

This time he was cut off with the man smashing his lips against his. His eyes grew wide and he squirmed really hard to get out of the man's grip. He finally managed to push the man away from him but he grabbed his hands and pinned them above his head as he started attacking his neck.

Jungkook:Hyung no, stop. Why are you doing this?

Kevin:Don't act like you don't like this Jungkook. I know what you are. With the way you always follow me around and look at me. I know you like me and I know you want me to do this to you.

Jungkook:It's not like that. You've got the wrong idea.

Kevin:It's alright, you don't have to lie to me. I've wanted to do this with you since very long too.

He leaned close to Jungkook's neck while inhaling the scent of his floral perfume.

Kevin:You don't know how hard it's been for me to control myself. Everytime when I saw you sleep like a baby in your room, I wanted to fuck you. When I saw you naked, I wanted to fuck you...when I saw you twirling around in those dresses, I wanted to devour you.

Jungkook took a sharp inhale while he just smirked.

Kevin:Yes, I know about your little secret. Tell me, were you thinking of me when you dressed up like that? Did you wish I was in your room with you so I could see how prettily you dressed up for me? Did you wish I could take you while you were in that dress?

He seductively licked Jungkook's neck.

Kevin:I bet you were.

He once again attacked his neck as Jungkook squirmed really hard. He gathered all his strength and managed to free his hands from his grip as he pushed the man off him and punched his face, making his nose bleed. He wiped his nose before glaring at Jungkook as Kook stared at him with teary eyes. He spoke with a broken voice.

Jungkook:I never thought you were such a person. My friends always tried to warn me about you but I never listened to them because I thought that they had believed those rumors about you and wanted me to stay away from someone like you. But I guess those weren't rumors afterall.

He said while glaring back at him.

Jungkook:Don't you ever show me your face again. Just fucking stay away from me.

He yelled as he wiped his lips before turning around to leave when he was grabbed from behind and his face was pressed against the wall while his hands were held behind his back.

Kevin:Where do you think you're going? I wasn't finished with you yet.

Jungkook:Get off me!

He held Jungkook's hands with one hand while he began tugging at his pants with the other.

Jungkook:I said get off me!

Jungkook kicked his leg really hard which made him stumble a bit. Jungkook punched him once again which almost made him lose his balance. Before Jungkook could land another punch on him, he grabbed his hand mid punch and kneed him in the guts. He grabbed Jungkook by the collar and punched him really hard twice. He let go of his collar and kicked his stomach which made him fall back while clenching his stomach. He got on top of him as he began choking him.

Kevin:Brat! I said I wasn't done with you yet! Do you know who you're messing with? I always do whatever I want and I always get whatever I want. If I said I want you then it means I'll fucking have you. So stop struggling already and just lay there like a good boy and fucking take my dick you fucking sissy!

Jungkook couldn't say anything since he was getting choked right now. He squirmed hard and tried to free himself as he struggled to breathe. Kevin pinned Jungkook's thighs using his legs as he pinned his hands above his head using his hand. He unzipped Jungkook's pants using his other hand and he was about to take off his boxers too when he heard him squeal.

Jungkook:No please, stop. I don't want this. I beg you, please let me go.

He burst out in tears. Kevin stared at his teary face as a sinister smirk grew on his face.

Kevin:You look prettier with those tears in your eyes and I just love that expression of yours. Damn I just got hard! Things just got better here. Why don't you cry some more, it'll just make fucking you more entertaining.

He let out a sinister laugh before unzipping Jungkook's jacket and ripping his shirt a little. He once again attacked his neck before trailing down to his chest. Jungkook cried harder as he begged him to stop but he didn't listen.

Jungkook:Please, please stop...HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!

Kevin:There's nobody who will come to help you out here.

Jungkook:PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME! Please...please.

Kevin punched Jungkook and began choking him once again.

Kevin:You're so annoying. Didn't I tell you, nobody is coming to help you.


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