Episode 2

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I'm sorry for what you're about to read ಥ_ಥ💔.

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Without thinking twice Taehyung rushed in the direction of the sound. I followed after him. We ran and ran till we were standing at the old abandoned building at the outskirts of the town. I looked at Tae who was hesitating a bit before entering the building. He let out a shaky breath before whispering.

Tae:I knew it, this is all happening because of that dreadful incident. It wasn't our fault, then why is this happening to us?

I wanted to ask Tae a lot of questions about whatever he was blabbering about but searching for his friends came first. I grabbed his hand and caressed it with my thumb.

Y/N:Hey, it's gonna be alright. We'll find them, just follow me. I won't let anything happen to you.

I could see a sparkle in his eyes which meant that he was reassured by my words. I'm glad that he still places his trust in me. He nodded before squeezing my hand. Both of us entered the building. I cautiously scanned our surroundings for danger as Tae quietly trailed behind me, eyes searching for his friends. We began hearing faint noises and cries as we went deeper into a hallway. Soon we were standing right next to the room where all the sound was coming from.

???:What do you want from us? What did we ever do to you?

A male's voice could be heard. Tae's eyes widened as he realised whose voice it was. Both of us peeked into the room. There were two boys in there who were tied down to chairs. One of them was unconscious while the other one was fully awake and weeping. His face was covered with several bruises and his lip was bleeding. His clothes were all covered in dirt and torn from a few places which showed his bruied skin and fresh wounds. The other boy was in no better condition, it seemed like he had fainted from all the abuse he must have went through before now. There was a small figure standing in front of them. I scanned their features and it was a female in her fortys.

Suddenly, a loud slap was heard from across the room followed by a small whimper.

Woman:What you did to me you ask!

The female spoke.

Woman:You and your fucking friends took away the person I cared about most in the whole world!

She yelled while leaning close to his face. Who is this woman? What is she talking about? I took a glance at Tae and he was beginning to panic. He was sweating a lot and his eyes were full of tension as they darted across the room.

???:Please, I don't know what you're talking about.

Woman:So you're telling me you don't even remember what you did to my child you little shit!

With that the boy's eyes widened. It appeared that he had just realised something. More tears began streaming down his face.

Woman:It appears now you remember what I'm talking about. It just enrages me, you continued to live a happy life as if nothing happened while my child suffered and died by the hands of you monsters.

???:Please no, trust me I haven't been able to forget what happened back then. I remember every single thing but...none of that was our fault. It was nothing but an accident.

The woman landed another slap on his face.

Woman:Bullshit, it was no accident. He suffered because of your friend right here and then you all killed him. I will never forgive you for what you have done. I will make you all go through the same pain he went through. I will have revenge over my son's death. I have waited so many years for this day. I have spent years stalking you all and waiting for the right opportunity to have my revenge. While you all happily carried on with your lives as you pretended nothing had happened, I was planning your murders. And now, the moment has finally come. I already have you two here and after I kill you two, I have special plans for the other one. He will suffer the most because he is the major suspect in my son's murder. He is the one who took his life!

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