Episode 19

239 10 4

Kevin's POV

Kevin stood against the wall as he put his phone next to his ear.

Kevin:Shit! Why won't he pick up? He's never ignored my calls before. Maybe I should go and check what he's upto.

He was now standing in front of jungkook's house. He sneaked around the house as he peeked inside through the window. His eyes grew wide at what he saw inside. Y/N had trapped jungkook between herself and the wall. She slowly leaned close to Jungkook and kissed him and he didn't revolt. Instead, it looked like he was happy to be kissed right now.

Kevin's face turned red because of the anger he was feeling right now. He was almost convinced to break into the house and kill Y/N right there. He turned around and walked away from that place. Once he was in a secluded area, he screamed in anger and kicked things around.

Kevin:How dare she touch him! That bitch! He is mine and only mine to touch. Only mine to fuck. She will pay for what she has done. That bitch will die. I will kill her.

Just then a dog jumped out from behind a wall. It looked at Kevin and started whining because it could feel the sheer negative energy radiating from him. Kevin started walking towards the dog as it backed into a corner and growled at him as a warning to not come any closer. Kevin grabbed a big stone that was lying on the ground as he stood in front of the dog.






He smashd the dog's head with the stone repeatedly till he was satisfied. The dog was long dead from its brains getting crushed. Kevin threw the rock away as he panted while staring down at the dog. He threw his head back as a sinister laughter escaped his lips.

Kevin:I'll seriously kill her. Count your days woman, cause you're going to die soon.

He spat at the dog's dead body before walking away.


Next Day

I woke up and stretched my body while still laying in the bed. I turned around and I was met with a cute face drooling on the pillow. Gross, but cute. I extended my hand and closed his jaw before giggling. I grabbed my phone from beside me and checked the date. A smile was plastered across my face as I looked back and forth to Jungkook and my phone.

Y/N:We did it! I can't believe it.

I completely turned towards jungkook and I couldn't help but caress his cheek.

Y/N:I did it love, I changed our future. All of us can live happily now. I fulfilled my promise.

A tear slid down my face. I can't believe how yesterday took a completely different turn. Previously Jungkook had gone through the worst at that day. He got betrayed by a person he admired and he was almost raped. He also saw his friends get hurt right in front of him. But yesterday, all his friends had gathered around him and they tried their best to make him happy. Yesterday, he was made aware how much he was loved and appreciated by his friends as well as his lover, me. Yesterday was really a perfect day.

Another tear slipped down my eye as I smiled at the beautiful boy in front of me. He began to shift as he slowly opened his eyes. I quickly wiped my tears and smiled at him. He smiled back as he blinked at me innocently.

Y/N:Damn you're so beautiful! I swear I can kiss you right now.

Jungkook:There you go again, saying such things with a straight face.

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