Episode 23

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I fixed my black suit as I looked at myself in the mirror. I let out a nervous sigh.

Y/N:Today is the day! I'm really excited, but at the same time I'm nervous.

Tae:Don't worry, it'll be fine.

I turned around to find him standing at the door. I smiled at him before giving him a warm hug.

Tae:You look dashing!

Y/N:You don't look so bad yourself.

I said smirking as he smirked back.

Tae:It's almost time, we should be heading out. Wouldn't want to make the groom wait, now would we?

Y/N:I bet he would freak out if I don't get there on time. He likes to cook up fake scenarios in his mind a lot.

Tae nodded in acknowledgement before heading out as I followed after him.


We both reached our destination. Tae got out of my car as I followed after him. As soon as I entered the building, I felt two arms pull me into a hug.

Y/N:Easy love, wouldn't want me to have broken ribs on our wedding day, now would you?

Jungkook:I got worried since you're an hour late.

Y/N:The traffic is to blame.

Tae:You don't have to be so paranoid all the time Kook, relax.

Jungkook:I know, it has become a habit because of everything that happened in the past. I was scared something had happened to you on the way.

He said looking down as I made him look back at me.

Y/N:It's alright love, I'm here now.

He smiled up at me as I smiled back.

Y/N:You look absolutely breathtaking!

I said as I scanned him from top to bottom. He was wearing a gorgeous white suit (the one he wore in the black swan performance at melon music awards) which had frilly sleeves and slight feminine details. He had paired white boots with small heels with the suit. He was also wearing beautiful pearl earrings along with slight make up, making him look like someone who had descended straight from the heavens. He looked away shyly.

Jungkook:And you look pretty hot in that suit.

I smirked at his shy state. I was about to say something when I saw a group of people approaching us. Ah shit! Here we go!

Woman:Just look at them being so lovey dovey right before the wedding!

Man:Don't worry guys, you'll get to have your fun soon anyway.

A lot of guests gathered around us and all their teasing made Jungkook blush.

Y/N:You all seem way more excited for the wedding.

Woman:Of course, it's been years seeing you two together and now you finally decided to tie the knot.

Man:I swear you two are the most perfect couple I've ever seen. Watching you two finally getting married is like watching my favorite celebrity couple finally getting together.

A smile made it's way to my face as I pulled Jungkook closer to me by his waist. They all made small chats with me as I tended to them with full confidence because Jungkook was by my side. I was never a people person but when I have my boy beside me I feel like I can do anything.

While I was busy entertaining the guests I didn't realise that Jungkook had slipped away from me as he stood away from all the guests that were surrounding me. I looked at him as he smirked at me evily. He wouldn't dare!

Jungkook waved at me sassily before walking away, leaving me all by myself. Tae had already left me a while after the guests approached me and now Jungkook too. I'll kill em both once I get out of here. Now that I was by myself I was getting tired of throwing fake laughs at their silly jokes.

Y/N:Would you look at the time! We should head to the hall before Jungkook decides to marry someone else because I was late.

I said as I squeezed my way through all of them. I sighed in relief once I was alone.

Y/N:That sure took a lot of energy.

I fixed my suit before looking around the party for a few familiar figures and I soon spotted them. I slowly sneaked behind my favorite trio.

Jimin:Did you leave her side too?

Jungkook:Duh! I can't handle all those people but she can so I just left.

Jimin:Just wait till she bitch slaps the both of you. You know she hates people, just like you two do.

Jungkook:Yeah, but she still has a talent for making conversations with random people so she's better suited for this job than any of us.

Y/N:That doesn't mean you can throw me to the sharks dear fiance!

They all went silent as they turned to look at me. I walked closer to Tae and Jungkook as they cowered and tried to come up with excuses to explain themselves for leaving me alone to attend the guests while they both enjoyed themselves in a corner of the room. I grabbed them both by the ear as they tried to squirm and get out of my grip.

Jungkook:Love, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to leave you alone. This guy right here was the one who forced me to sneak away from the guests.

Tae:How dare you lie right in front me of me! Do you want to get both of us killed on your wedding day dumb ass?

Jimin:Why don't you two just apologise instead of making excuses?

Y/N:I think he is right. If you apologise I might just go easy on both of you.

Tae:I'm sorry Y/N.

Jungkook:I'm sorry too love, please forgive me.

She let go of them as they rubbed their red ears.

Y/N:I forgive you but this does not mean I won't punish you. Especially you, dear fiance.

She whispered in Jungkook's ear, making him turn red.

Tae:Come on you horn dogs! Don't talk about the bedroom right in front of all these people. Besides, we have a wedding to host. Can we get this shit started already?

Jimin:Yeah, I bet the guests are tired of waiting already. So let's just wrap all these ceremonies up and get you two married already. I have waited long enough for this day.

Y/N:So have I. You are right. Lets get this party started.

Right now I was standing at the altar as Tae and Jimin walked Jungkook towards me. He was holding a beautiful bouquet in his hand as his face was covered with a veil. He smiled as he made eye contact with me. I couldn't help but get emotional. I wiped my moist eyes as he stood in front of me. The priest began his thing as we both took our vows. It was now finally time to seal the vows with a kiss. I slowly lifted Jungkook's veil before leaning in to capture his pretty lips that I've been aching to kiss ever since I saw him.

Everybody cheered as we shared a passionate kiss. We parted as our foreheads rested against each other while we smiled at each other.

After all we've been through, this all seems a bit unreal. I never imagined I would be able to live this future. A future where I'm surrounded by the people I love. A future where I have my lovely friends beside me. A future where I have my lover smiling at me in my arms.

Y/N:Now that I think of it, this feels like I'm having a deja vu.


I said nothing as I kissed his nose.


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Aight guys, that's a wrap. I had so much fun writing this story and I hope you had as much fun reading this. I'm thankful to those who have voted and commented on my book. Your support is what keeps me going.

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