Episode 22

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Jungkook opened the door as he dragged the wheelchair inside his house.

Y/N:Today's session was absolutely shit. Are those bitches trying to make my legs work or stop them from working at all! Damn I feel so sore!

I went on and on as Jungkook listened to my nonsense with a fond smile. He missed having to hear Y/N's nonsense after hearing nothing from her for seven years.

Mrs. Jeon:Oh my! Did they really tire my poor Y/N that much?

Y/N:Yes Mrs. Jeon, I can't feel my legs anymore.

She giggled as she caressed my hair.

Mrs. Jeon:Don't worry, I know just the thing to cheer you up. Your grandma and I have been preparing this lovely meal for you and the others, but mostly for you.

Y/N:Really? I love you guys.

There was a knock on the door as Mrs. Jeon answered it and in came Tae and his Mom. They all exchanged greetings as Mrs. Kim approached me and gave me a warm hug.

Jungkook:Alright, since hyung is here, can you keep her company for a while?


Y/N:Where are you going?

Jungkook:I've got baking to do.

A smile made its way to my face, it's been ages since I had his cooking. Soon Jimin had also arrived along with Somi. Once the food was ready, everybody began to eat as they chatted away. Apparently, this was supposed to be a late "Welcome Home Party" for me. Everybody had bought certain gifts for me too.

Y/N:I love them all, thank you so much for today. This makes me really happy.

Somi:We're just glad that you're back.

Jimin:Yes, we're glad that we made you happy.

Tae:Jungkook, aren't you going to give her something?

Tae said smirking at Jungkook as he looked away shyly. These two know something that I don't.

Jungkook:I'm saving it for later.

Tae:Of course you are.

He smirked again as Jungkook chugged a glass of water down his throat. Jimin smacked Tae's arm.

Jimin:Stop teasing him already.

Tae:Ok, fine.

He said in amusement as he got back to eating his food. Once everybody was done, they began leaving.

Jungkook:If you don't mind, can you stay here for tonight?

He asked with such innocence that my heart melted. He never fails to make me realise that I'm in love with him.

Grandma:Of course she won't.

Y/N:But grandma, what about you?

Mrs. Kim:She can stay with us for tonight. I have a lot to chat with her anyway. Don't worry, we'll take good care of her.

Y/N:Oh I'm sure about that. Alright then. Take care you all.

It was now only Jungkook and I left in the room along with his Mom.

Mrs. Jeon:I'll wrap up everything down here, you two can go upstairs. It must be time for Y/N's medicine anyways.

Jungkook nodded as he helped me up the chair. Though I wasn't able to take the stairs a while ago, but since I'm getting better, I am able to do so with someone's help. Jungkook took me to his room as he helped me get on his bed.

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