Episode 13

179 11 1


I pedalled as fast as I could towards Jungkook's place. I knocked on the door impatiently. The door was thrown open within a short while as Jungkook's mother came in view. As soon as she looked at my state her face reflected a worried expression.

Mrs. Jeon:Y/N dear, what's wrong? You don't look so good.

Y/N:I need to see Jungkook, now. Please, can I see him?

Mrs. Jeon:Sure, he must be in his room. I'll go get him.

I waited outside as she went towards Jungkook's room. After a while she came down with a panicked look on her face.

Mrs. Jeon:He's not in his room. I looked everywhere, he's nowhere inside the house. Maybe he sneaked out of the house without me knowing. It's really late and I don't know where he might be.

My heart dropped. This can't be happening. I must find him before anything happens.

Y/N:Calm down Mrs. Jeon, don't worry. I'll go look for him. I promise, I'll bring him back.

I said as I squeezed her hand reassuringly. She gave me an understanding nod as I rushed back to my bike. I looked around the town but I couldn't find him anywhere. As I was busy looking for him I spotted two figures walking down the road.

Tae:Y/N? What are you still doing out here this late?

Y/N:Jungkook, he's missing. I can't find him anywhere.

Jimin:Relax, he must be out here somewhere. There's no need to worry, he'll come back soon.

Y/N:You don't understand Jimin, I have a bad feeling about this. I must find him.

Tae:Have you tried his cell phone?

Y/N:I did but he's not picking up.

Jimin:Have you checked around his favorite spots?

Y/N:I did but he isn't anywhere. I just don't know where he went. Even his Mom doesn't know where he went.

I once again tried calling him but he didn't pick up. I grabbed my hair in frustration as I tried to think of the possible spots where he could be when I noticed something.

Y/N:It's late, Jungkook is missing and these two are out here.

I looked around as I noticed where we were standing. I put all the pieces together and my eyes widened in realisation.

Y/N:No way, it can't be happening today.

Without a single thought I made my way towards the abandoned building that wasn't far away. Jimin and Taehyung followed after me. I stopped in front of the building as I noticed the lights on the fourth floor.

Tae:Y/N, what's wrong? Why did you run away all of a sudden?

Y/N:We must hurry, Jungkook is up there.

Jimin:What? How do you know-


We heard his faint cry and without a thought all of us were rushing towards the source of the voice. Now I was standing in front of the room where all the noise was coming from and my eyes widened at what I saw. Kevin was on top of Jungkook who was a crying mess. My eyes trailed down Jungkook's body and I could feel anger rushing through my whole body as I put all the pieces together.

Kevin:Didn't I tell you, nobody is coming to help you.


I said as I charged at Kevin and dragged him off Jungkook. I grabbed him by the collar and punched his face. I punched him once again which made him lose his balance and fall backwards. I got on top of him and began punching him non stop. Jimin and Taehyung had arrived too and they rushed to Jungkook who was curled into a ball on the ground while crying as he tried to cover himself. Taehyung grabbed his phone and contacted the police.

Y/N:I knew it was you. You are the reason my friends died. I will not let that happen this time. I will save them all.

I said while punching him. His face was covered in blood at this point. I was about to punch him again when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I looked down and saw that he had stabbed my stomach. I screamed in pain while clenching my stomach. He punched me and pushed me off him. He pulled the knife out of my stomach which made blood pool out of my body. He was about to stab me again when Tae charged towards him and pushed him away from me, making him drop the knife. Jimin was next to me within a moment as Jungkook looked at me worried. I rolled around in pain as blood gushed out of my stomach.

Tae punched Kevin's face and kicked his leg, knocking him off his feet. He was about to kick him in the stomach when Kevin grabbed his leg and punched it really hard. Tae lost his balance as Kevin climbed on top of him and began beating him up. He grabbed a brick that was near him and he was about to smash Tae's face with it when Jimin stopped him by grabbing his arm.

He got off Tae and pushed Jimin off him before smashing that brick on the side of his head. Jimin fell down while grabbing his head as blood rushed down his face. He began kicking Jimin really hard as Jimin simply laid there and took it as his body grew weak and his vision became blurry. Before Kevin could beat Jimin up a bit more he was dragged away from him and pinned against the wall. Taehyung tried to hold him down in that position so that he couldn't cause any further damage to his friends when Kevin elbowed him in the face and punched him really hard.

He grabbed Tae's face and smashed it against the wall. Tae fell down while clenching his head that was bleeding now. This time Tae didn't get up because he didn't have any strength left to fight anymore. Kevin looked around as he realised that all three of us were unable to move. His eyes darted to Jungkook and Jungkook squealed as soon as he made eye contact with him. Kevin began walking towards Jungkook who tried crawling away from him.

Kevin:You've got some really annoying friends Kook, just look what they did to me. I'm sorry I had to beat them up this bad but they're lucky that I didn't kill them all.

Jungkook:No please, stay back. Don't come near me.

Jungkook continued to crawl back till his back hit the wall. He began crying as he realised that there was nowhere for him to run anymore. Kevin grabbed Jungkook and lifted him up to his eye level. He pushed him against the wall and began choking him. Jungkook was too weak to fight him back this time, his mind had convinced him that there wasn't anything he could do anymore and that he should give up but his body had other plans. As his lungs couldn't find any air, his body compelled him to push the hand that was choking his windpipe away from him.

Jungkook gathered all his strength and punched Kevin's face which made him losen his grip on his neck and stumble a bit backwards. Jungkook focused all his strength in his leg and kicked Kevin's front with everything he had. Kevin couldn't keep his balance anymore as he tried to grab something around him for support, only there was nothing for him to grab on as he realised that he had fell off the building.

I remember hearing him scream before a thud had sounded and then everything went silent. I looked towards Jungkook and saw him stare outside with a shocked face. He slowly turned to look at me as I stared back at him with a regretful expression.

Y/N:I'm sorry, I tried to save you all but I couldn't. I came all the way back to this day just so that I could save you guys from dying in the future but I failed you. I just wish I could make things right. I just wish I could save you.

My eyes grew heavy and then everything went dark.

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