Episode 8

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A few days went by but I still had no plan for how I'll find out the identity of the guy who tried to hurt my friend. I know that Jungkook is the key to finding out that man's identity but it's not like I can just walk up to him and ask if there is someone who would want to hurt him. If only I knew the name and face of the person who hurt Tae then all of this would've been so much easier. But I didn't get the chance to ask Mrs. Kim about him.

Y/N:Damn this is frustrating! I need to blow off some steam.

I grabbed my wallet and went straight to the arcade. I've been worrying too much and this is making things even harder for me. I need to calm myself so that I can think about a plan with a clear mind. I entered the arcade as the loud noises from the machines mixed with the giggles and frustrated screams of teenagers filled my ears. I walked towards the first machine and inserted the coins and began playing.


Owner:Wow kid! You're really good at this! I can't believe you beat the high score!

Y/N:It's a piece of cake. I've played harder games than this.

I continued to play the game till I finished all the levels.

Y/N:Oh baby there you go! Now try and beat that!

???:This is impossible, I can't believe she completed the game. I haven't been able to cross level 5.

???1:5? Dude, I can't even cross level 3.

I looked around and noticed that I had gathered quiet the crowd with my show.

Owner:Jungkook, did you see that? She beat your high score! I thought no one could beat you but I stand corrected.

I looked in the direction where the owner was looking at and I was surprised to see Jungkook standing a few steps away from me as he stared at me. When we made eye contact, he grabbed his things and immediately rushed out of the arcade.

It seems I pissed him off. Damn it! I came here to cool down but now I'll end up being stressed. Maybe I even ruined the little chances of getting close to him. Now he must hate me. Great!

A Few Days Later

I was sitting at the lunch table with Tae and Jungkook.

Y/N:Where is Jimin?

Tae:I saw him with Somi earlier.


He surely has been hanging out with Somi a lot lately. And they seem to have grown close. I'm happy that he's making new friends but I'm not so sure about Tae and Jungkook. Tae always bitches about how Jimin ditches him to meet up with Somi and Jungkook is always ignoring Jimin whenever he brings Somi up.


I walked towards the music room because the music club President had arranged a meeting for the members. I never really took clubs seriously when I was in high school because the club members never let me play any real instruments during any festivals because they didn't like me for god knows what reason. I was always stuck playing maracas at the back so I eventually quit the club. But I never stopped loving music though.

A friend of grandma's had a hobby of collecting music instruments. He had all sorts of instruments stuffed up inside his house. He was nice enough to let me play them whenever I wanted to. He even taught me how to play the most of them. Whenever I was feeling down I used to practice on those instruments.

I entered the music room but there was nobody inside. I guess I'm a bit early. I walked around the room as I waited for the rest of the members to arrive.

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