Episode 7

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I woke up when I felt a sharp pain in my arm.

Y/N:Tae what the fuck!

I smacked his head as he let go my arm. I wiped his saliva off my hand with his shirt.

Y/N:Why the fuck were you biting my arm?

Tae:To wake you up of course. I've never seen you sleep that hard. It was like your soul had left your body or something. You didn't even wake up when I yelled really loud so I figured inflicting pain was the only option. Anyways, it's almost time for school. Hurry up and get ready. Then we'll ride together to school.

He ran out of my room as I grabbed my phone and checked the date.

Y/N:I'm back again! I can't believe it! I did it!

I got out of bed as I felt determined.

Y/N:I'm gonna save my friend this time.


I and Taehyung were greeted by Jimin and Jungkook at the school gate.

Jimin:Good morning you two.

Tae:Morning Jimin, you appear to be in a good mood today. Is there something you're excited about?

Jimin:Nothing in particular. I just had a good sleep so I feel refreshed.

Tae:Y/N here seemed to be having a good sleep this morning too. You should've seen her. It was like she was dead or something.

Y/N:I was time travelling.

Tae:Seems like she had a nice dream too. Anyways, we should head inside.

I parked my bike before heading inside with the guys.


I could hear the bell ring as the teacher packed his things and exited the class. I was sitting on my desk while staring into space. I was trying to devise a plan on how to save Tae. Mrs. Kim said that Jimin and Taehyung saw Jungkook was in trouble with that guy. Which means he was the first one who made contact with that boy. Why was he with that guy? Why was he trying to kill Jungkook? What was Jungkook doing at that building in the first place? This is all a mystery. If I have to stop that incident from happening, I need to find answers to all these questions. There is only one way to do that. I need to keep a close eye on Jungkook. I must do this quick because I might not have much time.

Jimin:Hello! Earth to Y/N!

Tae:She's not listening to you Jiminie. Hang on, I'll handle this.

With that he opened his mouth and attached it to my arm again.

Y/N:Bitch stop biting me already!

Tae:Then stop zoning out already! It's lunch time, hurry up!

I wiped my arm with his shirt before walking to the cafeteria with the boys. We sat down at a table and began eating. I was continuously paying attention to Jungkook, watching his every move. He didn't do much. He had his headphones on while he was on his phone playing games. He would occasionally take bites of his food. Aside from that, he didn't utter a single word to anybody. I wonder if he just avoids to make conversations in front of me. I'm sure he would talk if its just Jimin and Tae around him. Then why does he not talk at all when I'm around? My thoughts were interrupted when a familiar girl approached our table and sat beside Jimin.

???:How is everybody doing?

Tae:Somi(Not the idol)! Haven't seen you around in a while. How have you been?

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