Episode 11

185 11 8


Jimin:You two are in charge of the cake and the decorations while I'll keep him distracted all day long.

Y/N:Great! We'll handle the decorations first because we can always fetch the cake from the bakery.

Jungkook:Wow! You're his best friend and you still don't know how much he hates the cakes from the bakeries.

Y/N:Yeah he says he likes homemade cakes better cause cakes from the bakery always taste like cardboard, I know. But how the hell are we supposed to get a homemade cake for him? I don't suppose any of you guys know how to bake.

There was silence as Jimin cleared his throat while pointing at Jungkook with his eyes.

Y/N:You do!

I exclaimed while looking at him as he nodded nonchalantly.

Jimin:So it's settled. I don't suppose any of you have any problems.


Jimin:Great! Y/N and I are incharge of getting the decorations so we'll get going now.

Jungkook:I'll fetch the ingredients for the cake too.

Jimin:Fine, Y/N stop gawking at Jungkook and come with me already. We've got things to do.


Jimin and I walked through the convenience store with a cart.

Jimin:Should we get them party poppers too?

Y/N:Why not, let's go all out. I think I saw them all the way around the store.

Jimin:You wait here and get what's remaining in the list and I'll go and fetch the poppers then.

I nodded as Jimin left. I was busy scanning the list to check if we missed something when I heard a familiar voice. I looked through the shelves to see Kevin standing in the next aisle with a few other friends of his.

???:I clearly saw you stuff your bag with those things and I don't suppose you intend to pay for all that. So unless you're willing to pay for that, keep the stuff back in it's place.

Kevin grabbed him by the collar and glared at him.

Kevin:I'll do whatever I want and wherever I want. If you don't want to get in any trouble...

He sneakily pulled out a knife and pressed it against his stomach. The guy looked at him, scared to death. He looked around for help but the customers were too busy to notice what was happening down this aisle.

Kevin:I suggest you keep quiet and ignore what you saw.

He let go of the guy and he scurried out of there as the bunch laughed. I couldn't believe what I just saw. Jimin had returned by now and he followed my gaze.

Jimin:You know that guy?

Y/N:Jungkook introduced me to him a few days ago. He said he was friends with him.

Jimin:Jungkook is still hanging out wih him? I clearly told him not to.

I looked at Jimin and he appeared to be mad.


Jimin:Because he's a terrible person. Those who know better, stay clear from him. He is famous for being a delinquent and not only that, several girls have reported him for assault. I also heard that he is engaged in several illegal activities like selling drugs...to minors.

Y/N:I would've said that you shouldn't believe in such rumors without proof but I just saw him threaten a person with a knife so I think I believe you.

Jimin:I know that these are just exaggerated rumors and some of that might not be true but that doesn't mean he is totally innocent. It's better to stay away from him.

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