Episode 14

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I woke up and looked around, only to find myself in a bedroom I have never been in before. I held my head really tight as all my memories came crashing like a wave. I rushed towards the phone that was resting beside the bed and checked the date.

Y/N:This can't be. Why the hell am I back to 2012? I must go back once again and prevent Kevin from dying.

I laid back down in my bed and closed my eyes.

Y/N:If I'm correct then I should be able to time travel when I clear my mind and think about a particular thing before losing consciousness. All I have to do is go to sleep. I'm going to save my friends. I'm going to save them all.

My eyes grew heavy and I fell asleep.


I woke up and looked around but I was still in the same room. I hurriedly checked my phone.

Y/N:Damn it! Why didn't it work? Am I doing something wrong?

I laid back down in the bed and tried really hard to fall asleep again.

Y/N:Fuck it! Why don't you go to sleep? Sleep! Sleep!

I got up and screamed in frustration. Why won't it work?

Y/N:It's no use. Guess I gotta wait for something to happen. It's not that I can do anything about it.

I got out of bed and looked around the apartment. This must be where I live now. It's quite small but it's cozy. I checked the refrigerator for some left overs but there weren't any.

Y/N:Ugh! I'm not in the mood to cook.

I went to the bathroom and showered as I put on some clothes. I decided to go to a nearby café or something. I found one not far away from my place. I ordered some snacks and they arrived not long after. I sipped on my coffee as I looked outside at the bustling city.

So this is where I live now. I can't believe I left the town. How long has it been since I have been living here? What about my friends? Are they alright? All these questions were troubling me.

I checked my phone and I didn't have any of their contacts which was strange.

Y/N:I must pay a visit to the town in order to get answers to what is happening in this future.

Next Day

I walked towards my old home when I passed by Tae's home.

Y/N:Maybe I should visit him first.

I knocked at his door but no one answered. I knocked again but I was answered by silence. I knocked at his neighbor's door and a woman dressed in all black answered the door.

Y/N:Hello, I'm a friend of your neighbors. They don't seem to be home, do you know where they might be?

I asked, as the woman looked at me surprised before her expression changed into a sad one.

Woman:They must be at the funeral home.

My heart dropped after hearing that.

Y/N:Funeral home? Why?

Woman:The boy, he passed away a few days ago. I'm really sorry.

My knees felt weak as I struggled to maintain my balance.

Woman:I was just heading there to pay my condolences. Would you like me to take you there with me?

I just stood there breathing heavily.


I rushed out her car and looked around the funeral home for a certain someone. I paused in my steps when I saw her. She was talking to someone but she stopped as soon as she saw me. She immediately rushed towards me and gave me a hug.

Mrs. Kim:I didn't know you were coming dear-

Y/N:Where's Taehyung?

She stared at me with a sad face before leading me to a room. My eyes grew moist as I looked at the portrait in front of me. Not long after, I was a sobbing mess. Mrs. Kim hugged me in order to console me.

Y/N:I couldn't save him, again. It's all my fault.

I cried for a while as Mrs. Kim cried with me. After a while we both calmed down.

Y/N:What happened?

Kim:He was found at the abandoned building. What caused his death was the cracking of his skull. The police said that they found no trace of someone else being there other than Taehyung which must mean that he either fell off or he committed suicide. But I don't believe them. Tae would never go to that place alone in the first place because he is scared to go there and that accident gave him all the more reason to stay away from that place. I also know that my Tae would never commit suicide because he isn't the sort of person to give up on life no matter what. Besides, he didn't leave behind anything that would point out that he was about to end his life. He was a little depressed after Jimin passed away but he had started to get better after a while so I don't understand what happened.

Y/N:What did you say? J-Jimin passed away?

Kim:I'm sorry dear, you didn't know. He was found dead at the same place as Tae a month back. They still haven't found out why he was there and how he fell off that place. They tried to reason his death with the same cause as Taehyung-

Y/n:Jimin would never, I don't believe it.

Kim:I don't believe it either. But I don't understand what led this to happen. It simply can't be a coincidence that two young men were found dead at the same place. It just doesn't make any sense.

Y/N:What about Jungkook? I didn't see him here. Did he not arrive yet?

Kim:Jungkook doesn't come out of his house anymore. He was really upset after Jimin's death and Tae was helping him get through it but then-...I understand why he isn't here. He must be feeling really terrible after hearing the news. I will make sure to visit him later.

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