Episode 5

321 11 15


The day went normally. It was recess now. Everybody was either busy chatting with their friends or having lunch at the cafeteria. Tae had excused himself to go visit the restroom while I was busy packing my things. I didn't realise that someone had sneaked behind me. I suddenly felt two arms snaking around my waist and I swear I was ready to punch whoever it was in the face.

Y/N:What the-

Jimin:I missed you babe.

Babe? I turned around to face the boy only to see him smiling brightly at me.

Y/N:Jimin? What are you doing here?

He looked at me confused.

Jimin:What do you mean?

Y/N:I mean, what are you doing here in my classroom?

Jimin:I'm here because I wanted meet my girlfriend. Why else?

Girlfriend!...Ah! Now I remember. I dated Jimin back in high school. How could I forget! Taehyung was the one who introduced us and we became really good friends with time. After a while Jimin confessed to me and we began dating. I never really understood why he was interested in me in the first place because I wasn't popular or talkative. I was a shy and introverted girl with little to no talent. Whenever I asked him the reason why he dated me he always answered that he found my calm and shy personality attractive and he also found me cute in some ways. I never believed him cause cute? Me? Never.

Y/N:Oh! I see.

I stared down at our hands which Jimin had intertwined and I could feel myself getting nervous. Jimin simply looked at me in confusion.

Jimin:Is something wrong Y/N? Did I do something?

Y/N:No no, it's nothing. I'm just...tired after all those classes since morning.

Jimin:Is that so! Then let's hurry to the cafeteria and get you something to eat. Taehyung is there already.

With that he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the cafeteria. I simply let him do whatever he wanted cause I was too nervous to do anything. I haven't been in a relationship in a long time and experiencing my first ever relationship all over again is making me feel all sorts of emotions all at once so I simply played along. We reached the cafeteria as Jimin dragged me to our usual table. Taehyung was already sitting there. I took a seat beside him.

Tae:Hurry up and open that lunch of yours. I'm sure grandma packed extra for me.

Y/N:Yeah, she did.

I said as I opened the box. Taehyung almost drooled at the sight of the food. He eagerly grabbed the chopsticks and began shoving food down his throat. I couldn't help but smile at the silly boy in front of me. I am almost tempted to kiss his fluffy cheeks.

Jimin:Calm down Tae, you'll choke.

Y/N:You better not eat my share.

He paused and stared at me with a guilty face. I looked at my lunch and half of my portion was gone.

Tae:Sorry. Hehe.

Y/N:I'll kill you.

I grabbed his hair and began pulling it hard. He squirmed around to get me to let go.

Tae:I said I was sorry. The food was good and I was hungry so I couldn't help myself.

Y/N:Well I am as hungry as you, but how am I supposed to make myself full when you gobbled half of my share!

Jimin:You can have some of mine.

I paused and looked at Jimin who was holding his chopsticks in front of my face. I felt heat rush to my face as he bought the chopsticks closer to my lips. I let go of Taehyung before opening my mouth as he fed me. A smile made it's way to his face as he saw me silently chew his food.

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