Episode 4

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I opened my eyes at the sound of my alarm. I rolled around my bed as I stretched my limbs. My whole body feels sour for some reason. Must be because of all the weird positions I sleep in all night. I walked to the bathroom to do my regular routine. I switched on the lights before sparing a glance at myself in the mirror. I paused in my steps before running back to the mirror. I scanned myself through the mirror with wide eyes.

Y/N:How the hell is my acne back? I got rid of it years ago.

I ran a hand through my face and checked myself in the mirror once again.

Y/N:Why the hell do I look like a teenager?

I turned on the tap and splashed myself with water before looking back in the mirror.

Y/N:What the actual fuck is happening? Am I dreaming?

I slapped myself.

Y/N:Ow, definitely not a dream.

I looked around the bathroom before walking back to my room. I remember a lot of stuff that shouldn't be in here anymore cause I got rid of it a long time ago. My room should look totally different from what I'm seeing right now. I scratched my head as I tried to figure out what the hell is happening when the door burst open and a woman walked in.

???:Y/N why are you still in your pyjamas? You've got school!

My eyes widened as I stared at her in bewilderment.

Y/N:What the actual fuck! Grandma you look younger!

Grandma:Excuse you! Who the hell do you think you're cussing at young lady?

She said while grabbing me by the ear.

Y/N:OW! Grandma it hurts. I'm sorry, please let go now.

She let go as I rubbed my ear.

Grandma:You should be. Anyways, hurry up and get ready for school or you'll be late. I've made you breakfast, make sure to eat well. I would eat with you but I have to run to the store to get a few things for myself.

Y/N:You sure you don't want me to get those things for you instead?

Grandma:Why would I? I'm capable of walking there myself so I don't need you to do my chores for me.

She said while turning around as she left my room. I simply stared at her back in shock as she descended the stairs without any difficulty.

Y/N:The last time I remember, it was hard for her to even stand for a long time and here she is running all these errands. I haven't seen her this healthy in ages.

I stood there as I was lost in my thoughts when grandma returned with a change of outfit.

Grandma:You're still here? Hurry up and go get ready already or you'll be late. Don't forget to take your lunch with you. I made your favorite.

She said as she left the house. I walked back to my room as my eyes fell on the phone that was lying on the bed. That's my old phone. I remember I got rid of it a while ago and got a better one and yet here it is. I switched it on as it's screen flashed. My eyes landed on the date that was displayed on the screen.

Y/N:2006! This was six year's ago. I clearly remember that I was living in the year 2012 a while ago. This is clearly not a dream. I am really back in the past. But how?

I tried to remember how I got here but all I can remember is feeling a sharp pain my gut before blacking out and next I woke up here. I can't remember a single thing about how I got here though.

Y/N:This is really driving me crazy. But it doesn't seem like I can do anything about it either.

I walked back towards the bathroom.

Y/N:Staying in here won't help at all so maybe I should just carry on with the day and see if I can figure something out. Gotta hurry up and get ready cause I don't wanna be late for school.

I took a shower and took out my well ironed uniform from my closet. I scanned it from top to botttom.

Y/N:Ain't no way I'm wearing this skirt to school.

I've always hated wearing skirts. The only time I ever wore one was at school just because it was the uniform code. I always wanted to wear pants to the school instead but I never got the courage to, cause I was scared of being judged. I grabbed the uniform and put it on. God I hate this! It's been so long since I wore a skirt so I kinda feel exposed and embarassed.

Y/N:There's nothing I can do about it right now, now can I?

I walked downstairs as I looked around my house, feeling a bit nostalgic. I sat down at the couch as I munched on the delicious food my grandma made me. I swear I almost cried. I missed her cooking. I have been eating my filthy self cooked meals ever since she got bed ridden. I swear I never once enjoyed my meals because my cooking is shit. I always tried to follow the right instructions but I never really got the flavor right so everything tasted shit.

Before gobbling everything I grabbed my bag and lunch as I got out the house, not bothering to lock it since there was no chance of theft in our small town. I grabbed my bike and pedalled towards my school while listening to some music. There was a school which was located at a distance from our town. All the kids from other small towns like ours used to go there to study. After graduation some either pursued their degree from colleges located in the cities or some simply didn't pursue their degree at all and decided to engage in some sort of business within their towns.

I pursued my degree, of course. But unlike other students my age, I didn't move to the city. Although I had to waste 4 hours to journey to my college and back, I couldn't leave  town to save that time since I didn't want to leave grandma alone. Other kids had several reasons to leave town and live in the city cause they were eager to explore the city life. I wasn't too crazy about it but I did wanted to experience the city life once. I was always too engaged to explore the city even when I was in college.

I finally reached school. I stopped at the gate before staring at it for a while. This sure brings back some memories. I was about to get in when I felt a sharp burn in the back of my head. My brows scrunched together in annoyance and I was about to yell at whoever smacked me in the head when I heard a deep giggle.

Tae:Damn! I thought I was being gentle but I guess I hit you too hard. You almost fell off your bike.

He said as he gave me cheeky grin. I stared at him without moving for a while. I again found my emotions in a mess. Man I sure have missed him! When I did'nt say anything, he paused his annoying giggles and looked at me with concern.

Tae:Hey, you ok?

Y/N:Y-Yeah I'm ok, it's nothing. Let's head inside, it's almost late.

I said as I went inside. Tae shrugged as he followed after me.

                                ~TO BE CONTINUED
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