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Harrys POV:

I was in my bathroom applying my third layer of mascara when my phone went off, it was Louis informing me he was outside.

I dropped everything and ran into my room to grab my bag, I raced down the steps and ran into the kitchen.

"Mum I'm leaving Louis is outside" i says panting.

"Ok Harry, just slow down your not meeting the queen you don't need to run, you know Louis would always wait for you" she said and smiled walking me to the door and closing it after I walked out.

I spotted Louis standing in front of his car, i ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him.


"Haz i missed you" Louis said while looking down at me.

"I missed you to" i said looking up at the older boy.

"Ok get in the car I'm taking you shopping" he said and grabbed my hand walking me over to the passenger side of the car after I got and put my seatbelt on Louis closed the door and came in threw the driver door.

Once we've arrived at the shopping plaza Louis parks his car and we walk in, once we walk in I slip my hand into Louis and pull him towards my favorite store.

"Louis, can we go over there" I say and point over to we're the girls dresses and pants are.

"Course' love"

I give him a kiss on the check and drag him over to the clothing racks.

"This is cute" I say pulling out a short denim skirt that ends just below my bum, Louis furrows his eyebrows.

"What, you don't like it?" I ask and pout looking down at the cute skirt.

"I love it, but if I let you buy that your mum will kill me"

"Why, what's wrong with it"

"Don't you think it's a little to revealing for your age love, your only thirteen" he says and picks up a shirt showing it to me I shake my head as a no.

"But it'll look super cut with that band shirt you have in your closet, you can keep it over at your house for when I sleep over" I say and pull my hands together to make a puppy face.

Third person POV:

Louis sighs as Harry looks at him with his irresistible pleading face.

"I guess its ok, as long as your mum doesn't know" He say and harry jumps up throwing himself into Louis arms to give him a hug.

They continue to walk around the store until Harry's done.

"I can take who's next" Harry pulls Louis over to the free register and stands in front of him grabbing his hand to wrap around his frame.

"Hi" he says to the cashier.

"Hi is this all?" She asks and Harry looks up at Louis.

"Uhh yea" Louis says and she stops and looks up at him.

"Louis?" She says squinting her eyes at him, he looks at her confused.

"It's me Nora"

"I'm sorry, I don't know who you are" He says and looks at her with a fake smile.

"I umm gave you a note like two years ago, it was a confession" she says and it finally clicks for Louis.

"Right you were in my maths class" He says and holds his hand out for her to shake.

Harry looks between them with a confused face.

"Yea I moved away though"

"Yea I remember now" Louis says and scratches the back of his head.

"Maybe we can grab a coffee and catch up, I'm off work in fifteen minutes" she says and bats her lashes at him.

Harry on the other hand gets very annoyed, no way was he going to let this girl take Louis away from him.

"Umm sure you can join me and Harry if you want" Louis says and she looks down at Harry and grimaced.

"No lou" Harry looks up at Lou and pleads.

"Harry that's rude" Louis responds and gives him a stern look, Normally Harry would obey but he stomps his foot and begins walking away.

"Harry come back here, Harry" Louis says but once he realizes Harry's not listening he turns to Nora and asks her to ring him up really quickly.

"So no coffee then?" She asks while handing Louis his shopping bag.

"No, sorry about him, I'll see you some other time maybe" Louis says and grabs the bags in a hurry and rushes out after Harry.

After walking for a few minutes he spots Harry sitting on a bench with his arms crossed on his chest and a pout on his face, he walks over to him and stands in front of him.

"What was that" he asks looking at Harry, Harry looks down ashamed.

"I'm sorry Lou" he says trying to hold back tears.

"No harry, you can't just walk away from me like that, something could have happened to you while I was gone" Louis says and grabs Harry's arm pulling him up to stand.

"I said I'm sorry Louis" Harry says and tears start flowing down his face.

"Excuse me is this man bothering you?" Louis turns around and sees an old lady with a cane looking at Harry waiting for his answer.

"No ma'am we know each oth-" Louis says but is interrupted.

"Was I asking you" she says and raises a brow at him, he looks down.

She looks back to Harry and sees his crying state, she turns back to Louis holds up her purse and smacks him.

"Owww" Louis says and folds as the bag hits him in his 'no no area'.

Louis face must of been funny cause all of a sudden Harry's laughing instead of crying.

"And that's for not knowing how to treat someone good" the old lady says and slowly walks away.

Louis looks to Harry and sees that he's still laughing, he can't believe that he upset him and made him cry, he really did deserve that hit.

"Yea keep laughing at me being in pain" Louis says and stands up straight while holding on to his pants.

"Sorry Lou it was just really funny" Harry says with a small giggle and puts his hands behind his back looking down at his shoes.

Louis pulls Harry closer and grabs his chin, he looks into Harry's eyes and leans in pressing a kiss to each eyelid.

"I'm sorry I made your pretty eyes cry" he said and pulled back to see a very flustered and blushing Harry.

"I didn't mean to be rude, but 's just I didn't want her to take you away from me" Harry says with a pout.

"Nobody could ever take me away from you" Louis said while staring into Harry's eyes.



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