Who is that?

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I think my new favorite thing is Harry in panties, ever since I bought him them he's been wearing them everywhere everyday.

Even when we're having our sleepovers.

It does not help that he sleeps in just panties now no pants, no shirt.

And it also does not help that he likes to cuddle.

I'm currently shopping with Liam for presents since Christmas is coming up.

I don't really have a lot of people to gift things to.

Just my Harry, my mom, and Harry's mom, Zayn, and that Niall kid that's always bugging me.

But to be clear I'm only getting Niall and Zayn a present because that would make Harry happy, seeing me get along with people or whatever.

I would get something for Liam but he's leaving home for Christmas.

I had already got my mom who I am on talking terms with a ring and a perfume bottle. I also got Harry's mom a perfume bottle. Niall got a years paid off gym membership. And I got Zayn new soccer shoes since his old ones are a bit messed up, and I know him and his family aren't doing to well so he's not able to buy new ones.

I was almost done with Harry's gift, I had gotten him a whole bunch of separate stuff like makeup, Ugg's boots, and this one skirt he's been eyeing for months.

I was still walking around looking for more stuff to gift him, I loved this time of year because I got to spoil Harry without his mom questioning anything and complaining on how I always spoil him rotten.

I come across a little station where you get to build a bear and decorate it, I thought back to Harry and all the stuffies sitting on his bed and smiled, this was perfect.

I walked up to the stand and a lady started to assist me, we picked out the eye color, the hair, the outfit, and even the shoes.

Once it was finished she packaged it up and handed it to me.

"Wow mate, looks just like you" Liam said from behind me, " but why did you get him a teddy of yourself and not him wouldn't it make more sense to get one of him" he says confused.

"I got one of me so he never feels lonely, we can sleep next to each other every night now" I responded.

I see him visibly cringe.

"That's not creepy at all" he says and I punch his shoulder.

"Little shit" I say rolling my eyes.

"Hey" he says extending the 'y' with a pout.

I wrap my arms around his shoulder and we walk around a bit more.

I'm looking at a particular shop when all of a sudden I see a very familiar head of curls in the shop.


"What, mate are you starting to hallucinate" he says with raised eyebrows.

"No harry right over there" I say pointing into the store.

He looks to where I'm pointing and his eyes widened.

"He's got company"

"Yeah clearly Liam, I'm not blind my eyes work just fine" I say with a mad tone.

"Here hold this" I said giving him the bags that had Harry's stuff in it.

He grabs them from me and tells me he'll be waiting in the car we part ways and I walk up to the store with Harry and what I'm hoping is a friend of his.

I walk in and right up to him, I stood behind him but he doesn't notice me yet.

"Harry" I say and he quickly turns around.

"Louis" he says with a shocked voice and a confused look.

"What a coincidence, seeing you here" I say casually.

"Yeah I'm just doing some Christmas shopping" he says and I nod my head with a straight face.

"Umm this is my friend, William" he says and my eyes fall on the boy next to him.

"Hey" he says but I don't respond, I look him up and down and frown he looked a little to young to be Harry's friend.

"Louis, don't be rude say hi back" Harry says giving my arm a nudge.

"Who are you" I say bluntly.

"Umm..did you not hear my name is William" he says and I'm almost in shock at his sassy tone.

"Watch your mouth little boy or we're going to have a problem" I say back getting closer to him raising my eyebrows in a challenging way.

"Louis" Harry says shocked at my behavior, "I'm so sorry William I don't know what's up with him" he says turning around to apologize to William.

"Louis we should talk" he says turning around to look at me.

"Yes we should" I say confidently.

We walk out of the store and he crosses his arms and looks at me.

"What was that" he asks.

"What was what" I say playing dumb.

"You know what Louis, the way you acted to William" he says in an obvious voice.

"What are you defending him" I say growing angry.

"Yes" he says looking me straight in the eyes.

"Why is he your boyfriend or something" I say tilting my head, "because if he is then-"

I'm quickly cut off with Harry smacking my chest.

"Is that what this is about, your jealous?" He says.

"What no, why would I be jealous" I say rolling my eyes.

"Because you hate to see me with any man"

"I'm not jealous, because I know no matter what your mine" I say grabbing his jaw, "right?" I ask.

He nods his head and I let go.

"Good" I say.

"Now who is he" I say crossing my tatted arms across my chest.

"He's a family friend, and before you say anything.... he in grade 7 way to young for me" he responded.

"Yes and because you like older men huh?" I say with my eyebrows raised.

His checks turn red and he looks down, I smirked at his sudden shyness.

I lean down into his ear and whisper to him.

"Is that all older men or just me?"

"Just you" he says in a whisper.

"Good boy" I say and kiss him just bellow his ear.

A throat clears behind us and I pull away from Harry to see William standing there awkwardly.

I look back to Harry and see he's a blushing mess.

"Let's go, I'll give you two a ride home" I say and grab Harry's arm, "although I'd like to give you a different ride Harry" I say whispering into his ear.

He stops and almost trips on his own foot.

I laugh at him and he pouts giving my head a smack.

"Stop messing with me" he says and I smirk wiggling my brows up and down.

Hey guys, happy new year.
I haven't been posting because I'm so lazy 😬
Btw age update:
Harry's still 13
Louis still 18 but they both turn 14 and 19 in a few days cuz there birthdays are in December and February.

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