Freak out

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Harry's POV:

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Harry's POV:

I'm freaking out.

If you couldn't already tell, I'm hiding under a table in a flower store.

Hiding from what you might ask?

More like who.....

Basically, today's graduation day.

And no, I'm not graduating.

It's Niall, my best friend, I thought I would get him flowers and go support him on one of the most important days of his life.

Now I'm not so sure I want to go.

As I'm currently overthinking my life right now, shoes come into my vision from under the table.

Shoes with a suit.... Classic of him.

He's looking at the stuff above the table I'm under.

I hear his soft breathing and his sent slowly invades me.

My eyes shut waiting for him to leave so I can go.

He spends a few more seconds looking then I hear a package opening.


A simple word, but it had me opening my eyes wide and breathing a little harder. It was the first time I hear his voice in the longest time we've been away from each other.

I look his way and see that he dropped one of the bracelets from the package.

A simple green beaded bracelet with a little heart dangling at the end.

Without think about it my hand reaches out to grab the bracelet and hold it up for him to take.

I can hear his breath hitch, and curses leaving his mouth.

"Scared me mate" he says with a chuckle.

His hand reaches out and grabs the bracelet, touching mine in the process.

And I guess curiosity got the better of him because next thing I know he's lifting up the table cloth to try and reveal who's under it.

aka, ME.

I quickly grab the table cloth and push it back down, to hide me again.

"Umm, ok... thanks for your help but, you should really get out before you scare other customers away" he says and waits a few seconds before walking away, to I guess the cashier.


I'm now on my way to the school field, where the graduation is taking place.

I'm holding yellow flowers for Niall, a yellow that matches his aura.

It's a 17 minute walk from the flower shop to school. I've been doing lots of walking this past year, which I've never been used to.

But I'm slowly getting better at it, though my asthma makes it worse.

I take a deep breath when the field comes into vision.

Was I really about to do this?

Face my fear? Knowing that he could possibly be here.

The only other option was to go back home, but I'm here for Niall, I couldn't do him like that.

I pull down my shirt a bit and make my way through the crowds of people making small talk.

I walk into the gates after giving my ticket in and look around for Niall's family.

The field had bleachers on each side of the field so it was a bit hard to spot them.


Congratulations to the class of 11'

After sitting here clapping for and hour Niall had finally graduated.

Got got up on stage and grabbed his diploma, shaking everyone's hand as he got to the end of the stairs.

Right before he got off he dougied and the crowd went wild, I laughed because that was such a Niall thing to do. His father laughed out loud while his mother shook her head in disappointment.

After the ceremony Niall had run up to us with his diploma hugging everyone and celebrating.

I stood to the side a bit to let them have there moment, soon after Niall grabbed me up we hugged as he shook me from side to side.

I handed him the flowers and he winked at me.

"Congratulations" I say a bit emotionally.

"Aww hazza you don't need to cry" he says chuckling.

"I'm just sad that your leaving" I say pouting.

"Haz we're still going to be best friends" he says wiping the tear the had flown down my face.

"I know but I'm going to be alone" I say and he leads me into his arms to hug.

"Let's talk about that later" he says and I nod my head.

I wipe under my eyes and look up so the wind could dry my eyes.

After I look down I could feel eyes on me, I will myself not to turn around, knowing the possibility of who it might be.

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