Kisses & hugs

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Louis hated shopping for school, he hated school in general, yet he still found himself standing in front of his bed getting ready to wake Harry up, he had promised to take Harry school shopping last night when he stayed over.

"Harry" he whispered to the boy while shaking his shoulder.

"Mmmm" Harry groans and turn away, Louis sighs and looks at Harry's sleeping body, he leans forward and starts planting kisses all over Harry's face.

Harry eventually wakes up and smiles at Louis, he points to his left cheeks which was the only spot Louis had forgot to kiss.

"You missed a spot" he says and pouts.

Louis leans forward and plants a big kiss on his cheek, "better now."

"Yes much better" harry says and rips the blanket off himself and stands on the bed.

"Don't jump on the bed Harry your going to get hurt" Louis says and reaches his hands out for Harry to grab.

Harry wraps his legs around Louis waist and allows himself to be carried to the bathroom where Louis and him brush there teeth, Louis grabs the hair brush hanging from his shelf and starts to slowly brush through Harry's hair which was decently long.

"Tell me if I hurt you ok" Louis whispers into Harry's ear and breaths in Harry's hair, he then places a kiss on the top of Harry's head and continues to brush his hair until there was not a single knot.


Louis takes Harry by the hand and leads him to his closest, he hands him one of his band t-shirts and a denim skirt.

Lately harry has been wearing a lot of feminine things and he loved how Louis wasn't disgusted by that the way others were.

Once they were both ready they get down stairs to the front door, once there in the car Louis pulls out the driveway and they begin their quest to find the perfect store.

Harry huffs and groans repeatedly and just cant sit still.

"Are we almost there" Harry asks.

"Yes love just a few minutes"

Harry leans over the console and starts kissing Louis cheek.

"Harry sit down and stop distracting me" Louis says while trying to push Harry away.

Harry ignores him and unbuckles his seatbelt, he leans over the console again and placed himself on Louis lap, he puts his head on Louis shoulder so Louis can see the road clearly.

"Haz this is dangerous get back to your seat"

Harry shakes his head no and kisses Louis neck.

"I wanna give you hugs" Harry say and shifts around on Louis lap to try and get comfortable.

Louis groans and takes one hand off the steering wheel to wrap around Harry and keep him still.

"Stay still" he rasps out almost breathless and Harry nods his head.

Louis POV:

Once we walk into the store Harry goes straight to the sparkly glitter notebooks and of course I follow him.

He starts picking up a bunch of stuff while looking at my phone where his course classes we're listed with the materials he had to get.

Once he's grabbed everything he needed, or we'll wanted he turns to look at my and points to all the stuff asking if it was ok to get all of it.

He pouts like a puppy and I melt.

"Don't look at me like that" I said feeling my heart banging against my rib cage.

"Like what" he says and I roll my eyes, he knows exactly what I'm talking about.

"Is this all" I ask and his face breaks out into a huge smile.

"Yes, what about you Lou you need some notebooks"

"I'll just use my old one love" I say and grab the books from his hand not wanting him to get tired from holding them.

"But why, don't you want a sparkly new one?"

"No, I could reuses mine" I said and he shrugs his shoulders whispering an ok.

We go to the check out and I pull out my card and hand it to Harry.

"Mum said I'll have to stop using your money now cause I'm not a baby and I need a job" he says and pouts while looking down.

I scoff and pull Harry's head up so we're looking into each other's eyes.

"Even if you get a job you'll never be allowed to pay while I'm with you, my money is yours" i mean why else would I have a job? I only started working so I can get Harry everything and anything he wants, i let my hand fall out of his hair and he stays looking at me.

"Thank you" Harry says and kisses my cheek.

I don't say anything just smile.

We walk out of the store and into the car, I look at Harry and check to see if he's buckled up and he is so I start the car and drive off into the direction of his house.

Once I pull up in front of his house he opens his door and puts his feet out getting ready to leave but I grab his hand.

"I'll see you in a few days? I'm picking you up to take you to school" he nods his head and turns around.

"Are you forgetting something" I say stoping him once more, he gets confused and shakes his head.

I point to my cheek and his face lights up realizing what I meant.

He puts his hand on my neck and turns my face and kisses me.

"Better, but I need more, after all I won't be seeing you for three days" I say making it sound like a crime.

He giggles and climbs into my seat placing himself in my lap and starts kissing all over my forehead, cheeks, nose, eyes, but I still crave for more, I wish he'd slip and have our lips connect.

"Ok I'm going to go show my mom everything you got me" Harry says while climbing off my lap and getting out my car and walking into his house, I wait till he's inside and I drive off.

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