Baby meets

203 5 0

H- 4

Louis POV:

I stand in a corner and stare at everything going on, I've had a few people come up to me and ask me how I'm doing but I just ignore them and continue to stare.

"Louis you now it's rude to stare so hard" mum says blocking my view from everyone "I told them you were doing better love, do you need more medicine?" She asks and I shake my head, "ok no more but promise me you'll talk to someone, make a friend maybe" she smiles and walks away leaving me standing in a corner.

After a few minutes of staring a little boy comes up to me and smiles.

"Hi I'm Harry" he says shoving his hand in my face for me to shake, I stare at him and smack his hand away from me and continue ignoring him.

"Oweee that hurt" he said while pouting.

"Shove off" I say after I see tears in his eyes, I can't stand people crying, he continues to pout with tears in his eyes, "did you not hear me I said shove off" I say while pushing him away from me, he falls back landing on his bum.

He doesn't get up after that, he just sits there crying and after a few seconds he starts screaming wanting his mom, I bend down sitting next to him.

"Shh, be quiet please" I say and cover his mouth with my hand, he continues to sob his eyes out for a few minutes and then he stops.

"Your bad" he says looking up at me while sniffling, his eyes are red and his nose is a light pink shade, he has tears all over his face and shirt.

"I'm sorry, please don't tell anyone" I said pleading with him.

"I have to tell my mommy, she said if someone ever does something bad to me I have to tell her" he says and starts to get up and walk away, I grab his arm and turn him around to look at me.

"If you tell anyone then they'll tell these bad people to come get me and put me in jail"

"Oh my, really" he said gasping and putting his hand on his mouth in shock.

"Yes really"

"Okay I won't say anything" he says and puts his hands up.

"What" I say looking at him in disgust, I hope he doesn't expect me to hold him.

"Up" he says and starts jumping up.

"You're joking right" I said and he shakes his head no.

"Hold me, I'm tired"

"Shove off-" I start to talk but quickly shut up when I see him pout again.

He moves forward grabs onto my shoulders and tries to pull himself up.

"What are you doing" I say in disbelief, who does this kid think he is.

He continues climbing me but looses his balance and is about to fall off of me but I grab him and wrap my hands around him so he doesn't fall.

"Aww Louis, you made a friend how cute" I turn to see my mom and she pulls out her phone and snaps a picture of us and turns around to go show it to the other parents.

"Wait mum, its not what it looks like-" I say but it's too late she's already off to embarrass me.

"You my friend?" Harry asks while laying his head on my shoulder which makes me realize I'm still holding him.

"No" I scoff and rolling my eyes.

"But how come she said I'm your friend" he says and pulls his head up giving me a confused face.

"Because I'm holding you, it looks like we're getting along" I say and shiver in disgust at the thought.

"Ok, friend"

"Don't call me that"


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