get out

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Louis POV:

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Louis POV:

I stand In front of my mirror cursing this dumb bow tie.

Why do people put this on again?

It's a waste of time and it suffocates the shit out of you.

I eventually huff and throw it across the room grabbing a button up to wear instead of the full on suit I had planned.

When I finish doing up the buttons I grab my phone and send a text to Eleanor.

Lou: ready, be there in a few.

I send it off not bothering to see if she's texted back.


Eleanor rests her hand on my thigh as she drives on the rocky covered road.

She probably know how much I'm overthinking this, so she gives my thigh a squeeze every once in a while to remind me she's here with me.

She's dressed in a yellow romper with a white undershirt and white converse, very casual.

I'm wearing a navy blue button up with black loose fitted jeans, and my classic vans.

The navigation speaks every once in a while, breaking a bit of the tension in the air.

"So" Eleanor says without even giving me a glance.

"So what?" I say confused.

"Cmon Lou, loosen up a bit, you look like ur going to a funeral" she says shaking her head.

"I feel like I am" I mumbled.

"What was that?" She asked.

"Nothing" I sigh.

And the car goes quiet again.

30 minutes later we arrive at our fist destination.

The flower shop.

Eleanor waits in the car while I get go into the shop to pick up a couple of things.

The small butterfly chime rings as I walk into the shop.

I take a quick look around, as I already know what kind of flowers I want.

When I see the flowers I came for I walk straight to them.

Luckily I was able to grab the last bouquet, I guess these flowers are pretty popular this time around, although I never received any, maybe that's because I graduated when I was in a mental hospital

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Luckily I was able to grab the last bouquet, I guess these flowers are pretty popular this time around, although I never received any, maybe that's because I graduated when I was in a mental hospital.

Not that I would have wanted any.

I make my way through the isle and stop when I see a small stand with beaded jewelry littered on top of it.

There are all different colors and patterns, and a big sign that says the price of the item.

I shuffle through a bit of them and hold some up in my hand.

They were a blue and green matching set, I rip the blue out of the package and try it on my hand.

The green bracelet that was still in the package slips out of my hand and onto the green tiled floor.

"Fuck" I curse.

I put everything in my hand down and reach over to grab the bracelet.

Before my hand can reach the bright beaded bracelet, a hand from under the table reaches out and grabs it, bringing it higher for me to take.

My heart leaps out of my chest and I almost shit myself.

Who the f-

Oh right the bracelet.

I grab the bracelet out of the random persons hand, my curiosity get the better of me and I lean down again.

But this time I grab the end of the table cloth and start to lift it.

The person under the table quickly grabs it and pulls it back down.

"Umm, ok... thanks for your help but, you should really get out before you scare other customers away" I say while shaking my head at the person who was hiding.

They reach their hand out again and give me a thumbs up.

I scoff, grab my stuff and make my way to the front of the store to pay and get out of here.

That weirded me out for sure.

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