It wasn't nice

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Louis POV:

I wish we would have never met....

Harry and I.

Ive always felt like he was the answer to all my problem, everything I've never felt he always made me feel.

And people might think it's a good thing that Iv'e grown to feel emotions and I'm not the young boy who couldn't give a crap about what anyone did or thought anymore.

But I personally hated it, I hated how I felt the need to smack anyone who remotely looked Harrys way, I hated how I couldn't go a few days without seeing him, I hated how he took me for granted.

So here I am sitting in my car skipping the last three periods of school all because I couldn't get my shit together, I wanted to go home but I couldn't leave without harry, I mean how else was he supposed to get home?

I sat up in my seat and threw my cigarette out the window as I see kids walking out of school, I start my car and drive up to the front of the school doors and wait for harry to come out and see me.

He comes out of the school doors and i see him wave goodbye to Neil and rush over to my car, I unlock the car door and he opens it shoving his bag inside before climbing in.

"Hey Lou, how was your day" he asks as he closes the car door.

I don't answer instead I zoom out of the school gates not even making sure if harry had his seatbelt on, he falls back into his seat and hits his head, he whimpers and I'm tempted to stop the car and check on him but Im far too angry too.

"Louis what's wrong" he whispers with a pout on his face when he notices my behavior toward him, I stay ignoring him though.

"Louis you past my street, are you not taking me home" he asks with frustrated tears spilling out his eyes.

I stop in front of my house and get out slamming the car door and walking up to my house to unlock the the front door, I hear Harrys soft footsteps behind me so I know he's following me.

I open the front door and let him in, we walk in and he takes off his shoes as do I, I walk past him and up the stairs into my room.

I take off my clothes and change into sweats and a normal band tee, harry softly walks into the room just as I'm pulling my head through my shirt.

"Louis did I do something" he asks with a sad voice and an adorable frown.

I walk to my bed and lay down on top of it starring at the ceiling, he huffs and I see him walk into my closet and pull out a shirt to change into, I don't say anything just watch him change his uniform, when he's done he lays down besides me and rolls onto his side to face me.

I turn away from him and start playing with one of the stuffed animals he has saved at my house so I look busy, he stares at my back and my heart breaks as I hear him sniffle and struggle to breath from how much he's crying.

Gosh I just want to punish him so bad.

"Its not nice is it" I turn to face him as the words roll off my tongue.

He doesn't answer, instead he tries to catch his breath again.

"I felt like how your feeling now just a few hours ago when you were ignoring me, frustrated and confused"

"I don't know what you're talking about" he struggles to say in between breaths.

"Don't play dumb love, that's not nice"

"I really don't know Lou" he says and huffs out a cry.

"At lunch, you ignored me you paid no attention to me, like I didn't exist"

He sits up a little like he was shocked by what I said.

"I wasn't ignoring you" he says with his brows furrowed.

I sit up up and glare at him.

"You're lying" I grit my teeth "You wouldn't even look at me"

"Louis I was talking to Niall, I don't have to always put you first for everything, especially something as small as this, I just wanted a new friend" he says and I can feel my heart break right there.

"Am I not enough?" I say insecurely.

"What, Lou your more than enough, all I'm saying is that you don't need to be the only friend I have"

I stay silent...this is exactly what I didn't want to happen.

"I just don't want you to replace me" I sigh.

He scoots closer and wraps his arm around me for comfort.

"No one could ever replace you"

"Not even Neil" I pout.

"It's Niall, and no not even him"

I cuddle him into my chest and smile.

"Lets go watch a movie or something" I said not wanting anything to be awkward after our little 'fight'.

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