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Louis POV:

I look around the room as I'm sat in class, it was a grade 10 maths class which I'm not very good at so I tune the teacher out and lay my head down on the desk to try and get some sleep.

"Louis, get up.....Louis" I look up squinting my eyes to see who was calling me and I see Nora, a girl in my class.

I stretch my hand and scratch the back of my head looking at my surroundings, we were the last ones to leave.

"The bell rung and you were still sleeping so I thought I'd wake you up" she says while smiling, I grab my books and get up walking to the door to leave but she grabs my hand.

"Can we talk" she says and I turn around to look at her.

"About what" she opens her sweater zipper and pulls out a envelope, she holds it up for me to take and I grab it.

"Is that it" I ask impatiently, I was supposed to pick Harry up from school to hang out but here I am wasting my time.

"Umm I won't be here anymore, I'm moving away so I just thought I'd give you the letter to express my feelings for you" she says still smiling despite my lack of interest.

"Ok" I say and walk out making my way to the parking lot, I get into my car and drive to Harry's school, once I get there I see him sitting at a bench all alone, I honk at him and he looks up and smiles.

"Hi Loubear I missed you" he says as soon as he gets in the car.

"Hi haz" I say after I make sure his seatbelt is on.

"Are we going to your house?" He asks as I start driving away from his school.

"Yea, if you still want to of course if you don't I can take you back home"

"I wanna stay with you Lou" he says and leans back on his chair.

"Tired?" I ask and he replies with a quiet yes.

"What's that?" He says pointing to the note that was in my cup holder.

"Umm.... a note from someone" I say and watch him snatch it out of the holder.

"From who? Can I read it?"

"Maybe you shouldn't read it Harry" I say and glance at him to see he was pouting.


"I don't want you to read anything you wouldn't understand or like" of course I knew what the letter was, Nora has had a crush on me since grade seven and if it isn't a love letter then it's probably a letter saying she wants to suck me off or something, and I do not want to have to explain what that means to Harry.

He puts the note back into the cup holder and turns to look out the window.

"Oh cmon Harry you can't be mad at me for that I'm just trying to look out for you"

"But I'm not small anymore I can lookout for myself" I sigh and ignore him.

When we reach my house I park my car in front of it and get out with Harry following me, he follows me all the way up to my room, I lay down on my bed while Harry sits in the far corner of it, his back to me.

He sighs.

I ignore it.

He sighs again.

And I ignore it...once again.


Groaning, I get up and walk to my bag where the note was left after I grabbed it from the holder and walk up to him.

"Here" I hand it to him, and he looks up.

"Oh Louis you really don't have to let me read it if you don't want to" he says but doesn't even wait for a response, he rips the envelope open and takes out the note.

He clears his throat and stands up on my bed.

"Dear Louis,

You give me so many butterflies.
I could listen to your Voice all day.
I admire you I am mesmerized by all the little things you do like the way you blink to much when you lie or the way you scrunch your nose when you focus to hard.
I wanna spend every sunset with you in the future, when I'm back. <3

Signed, Nora"

I lay down as Harry goes on and on about how dumb her confession was, and how she was definitely not my type, he even talks about how disgusting the kisses that litter the paper are.

"I mean that's so disgusting, like barf" he finally finishes off his rant and jumps on the bed landing right next to me.

"Right Louis" he waits for me to agree with him.

"I thought it was quite sweet" I say smirking cheekily.

"Don't say that Lou, It was absolutely horrible, it's a good thing she's moving away because if I gave someone something like that I would be to embarrassed to ever look at them ever again" he says and crossed his arms pouting.

I poke his side to try to get him to laugh but he holds it in, I get up and grab him putting him under me and I start ticking him.

"Ok ok Lou please" he says panting from laughing to hard.

"Never" I say and continue to tickle him, with a smile on my face as I listen to his beautiful laugh and look at his beautiful smile.

Once I think he's had enough I stop and rest my forehead on his and wait for him to catch his breath.

"Since we're confessing today can I confess something" Harry says after he's caught his breath, I reply with a short mhm and he smiles.

"You have the prettiest smile I've ever seen" I stare at him fondly and place a kiss on his forehead.

"You wanna know what my confession is?" I say and he nods his head.

"This smile only exists when I'm with you"

Should I add the boys in this fanfic or no?

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