Chapter 2

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                 Second Encounter

That morning,

Chay pov

"Hia I'm leaving for my classes. I left your breakfast on the table. Be sure to eat it all."
I was getting ready for my classes. When big brother came down the stairs with a yawn while scratching his back. As usual he looks tired. Then he went to brush his teeth.

"Ok by see ya". I said and took my bag and left for campus.

"Come back soon and be careful." Hia said in a loud voice enough to be heard by the neighbours. My brother is like that. He is always worried for me. I love him a lot. Our parents were already dead when I was 3 years old. My big brother has been taking care of me since then. He used to work multiple part time jobs to manage his studies and me. He joined the taekwondo class when he was in 8th grade. He learnt fighting to protect both of us. I was often bullied in my school. Whenever he asked me about my wounds or my torn clothes I kept quiet. I didn't want to trouble him. But now my big brother found out and took care of them. Well, I'm actually really happy because they were bothering me a lot. But he is kind of overreacting now. It's becoming bothersome. Whenever I'm going out or going anywhere he calls me multiple times like where I am or who I'm with or when I'm coming back etc. I really appreciate his concern but it's getting out of hand now.Well I can't oppose him so forget it.

I was about to reach the bus stop while having various thoughts about my upcoming song when suddenly a black large car stopped in front of me. I was startled. The car door opened and three men in black suits came out. They were wearing masks. They surrounded me. I tried to run as they looked dangarous. But two of them grabbed me and the other one put his hand on my mouth tightly and tried to knock me out. I bit his hand and somehow managed to push them off then I ran fast. Who are they? Why are they trying to kidnap me? I thought while running. I was getting tired with all running. Still I continue to run but I couldn't win against them as they got me again. They grabbed me roughly and one of them took out a handkerchief and forcefully pressed against my nose. The smell of that cloth made me dizzy and after a little struggle I blacked out. Hia was right I really needed to be more careful. I wish he was here to save me.😔😔😔😔

Author's pov

After 3 hours

Chay slowly opened his eyes. He saw a little darkness around him. His hands were tied but it was not tight and his mouth was covered with tape. He tried to move but it was uncomfortable. He can hear someone speaking.
"I told you not to get rough with him."It was a faint voice but he could hear it. It was a pleasant voice.

"But Khun he was struggling a lot he even bit us and tried to kick us. So we had to use some force."

"I don't want to hear any excuses. Go release him now."

Chay got up and saw someone coming towards him.'you're up already?'. He said and took the tape off of his mouth.

"Where am I?"Chay asked looking at them like a scared puppy.

"Stay still boy I'm gonna untie you now so don't make any funny moves."A tall man untied him.

Chay rubbed his wrists and looked at the man thinking what was gonna happen to him now. The man told him to get up and follow him. Chay has no choice but to follow him. The man took him to a large hall filled with so many fascinating things. Chay saw many men in black and  tall standing with a stern look on their faces. He even saw guns. It was his first time seeing guns or this type of atmosphere. He got really nervous so he was walking facing the ground with hands tightly squeezing his pants. After walking a little he reached a hall room big enough to play soccer. He saw a big table with many food items. He was hungry as he skipped his breakfast. Seeing all those foods his mouth was getting watery and stomach started to grumble. But this is not the time to drool over food so he wiped his mouth quickly.

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