🔞 chapter 6 🔞

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🔞🔞 You are mine 🔞🔞

"Why are you arguing with me? I already told you Pete went to meet a client that day."

"Oh does meeting clients makes you exhausted enough to take one whole day off huh???"

"It's my business so you don't need to pry in it."

"I don't care about your business or whatsoever...Pete is my friend and he is sick in the room. And he is not even telling me why..."

"Because he knows he can't share his work with his friends. He is not an idiot like you."

"Oh really?? I'm idiot?? Great then find someone else to work for you."

"Porsche Porsche damn it Porsche listen to me."

Porsche was about to leave when Tawan burged in... When he saw Porsche he was surprised.

"Kinn aii Kinn why is he here? I thought you took care of it."

Kinn panicked when he saw Tawan. He thought Tawan will create another ruckus.

"He...he is here to pay for what he did to you. I'm punishing him."

Tawan looked at Porsche again. Then he smirked at him which made Porsche irritated. He almost hissed at Tawan then left in a hurry. Kinn was relieved that things didn't turn into a mess.


Tawan whined and hugged Kinn. It made Kinn disgusted but he couldn't push him away. Kinn patted his head then released his grip from his waist.

"Why are you here baby? Don't you have classes today??"

"What !! you don't want me here?"

"It's not like that I'm just worried you will miss your lectures."

"It's okay love, my classes ended earlier today so I came to see you."

"Thank you I'm so happy."

Kinn faked a smile. Then Tawan whined about going for a date so Kinn had no choice to agree.

"Wait for me here and drink the juice I ordered for you. I'll be ready within 30 minutes."

"Mmmmm hurry naaa."


Tawan sat on the sofa while Kinn went inside to get ready. Tawan was drinking his juice when he heard two people who were standing a little far from him talking. It was Arm and Pol.

Pol: "Hey how do you think he will react?"

Arm: " About what?"

Pol: "I mean about the party that day."

Arm: "Oh you mean when he lied to Tawan and went with Porsche instead?"

Pol: "Yeah, hehe I bet he will kill Khun Kinn or Porsche."

Arm: "Definitely, haha."

Arm and Pol were talking in low voice. They were laughing with their lips closed but didn't notice Tawan listening to them.

Tawan heard the conversation and fumed with anger and threw the juice on the floor making Arm and Pol flinch suddenly. Tawan called them both.

KinnPorsche/VegasPete (Love Me Or Die)Where stories live. Discover now