🔞chapter 8🔞

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Note:> sorry guys for uploading so late...I was busy trending hastags for build as he had three continuous events. I was hastagging the whole time so sorry guys🤗🤗...Hope you enjoy this chapter...
Btw this 🔞🔞 scenes are not of our main couples but another character....you will get it after you read. Thank you so much🙏🙏 enjoy,

Kim pov,

I had to take Chay out of there. He was crying too much. I know he is upset over his brother. But I don't want anyone to scold him for making noises. He is hiding his cute little face in my shirt. I really like this part of him. He is looking so vulnerable in my chest. He makes me want to wipe those beautiful tears off of him and kiss his plump cheeks all over so he will forget the pain and focus only on me. Shit!why am I thinking like this again? It's all his fault. I have gone insane ever since I met him....his smile, his lips, his puppy eyes, his slender smooth body, all are enough to make me go crazy for him. But I can't do that. If I do that I will end up hurting him. So I can't, I gotta restrained my crazy desires at least not now when he is crying.

"Calm down now, he will be fine so don't cry."

"But but........"

Chay murmured and tightened his grip. Now he is squeezing me my shirt tightly and pouring his crystal like tears all over my shirt. Arh so cute and innocent. Like an angel in my chest sobbing beautifully with his broken wings on the back.

Arh my unholy mind.....Here I'm trying my best to distract myself from looking at him with lust but he is breaking all of my distractions. His small tears and red lips are provoking me to kiss him harder and bite those cherry lips again and again.

"Ok ok come we will go to the outside....you will feel a little better."

"Nooooo I don't wanna leave hia...he is still not awake.. I will stay here till he is awake."

Poor boy...crying so much for his brother. If something happens to me will you ever cry for me like this?

"You are crying too much...you will ruin your health."

I said that and he clenched on me tightly and started crying more and more. Sigh, what am I gonna do with this cute creature?? The more he cries the more I'm getting jealous that he is crying because of his brother, when it should be me only who makes him cry not anyone else. But Porsche is his family so it's countable.

I patted his head gently and rubbed his hair. It's so soft like baby's head. He smells so good. His white neck is all wet and exposed. I can feel my predator gaze falling on that little slender neck waiting for a good bite. Shit! It feels so good to touch him. Why do I feel like this every time I see him? His whole existance is shaking me up. My heart is throbbing loudly for him. Any more than this and he will surely hear it. Arh, my heart stop beating, stop I beg you.

I laughed softly seeing him hiding his little head in my shirt and rubbing his nose over and over again against my chest.

After a while Kinn came out of Porsche's room. He was looking quite devastated. Well, can't blame him, Porsche holds a special place in his heart after all just like how Chay holds a place in my heart.

"How's the situation??"

I asked Kinn even after knowing that it's not good at all.

"It's okay for now but I have to go back since I have a 'business' to take care of."

Kinn's thick enraged voice and his sharp red eyes were enough to make me understand everything. I just nodded and he also nodded in return and ordered Ken and Big to stay in the hospital and took Arm with him then left.

KinnPorsche/VegasPete (Love Me Or Die)Where stories live. Discover now