🔞Chapter 16🔞

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      Bitter Truth/ Stench of grudges ______________________________________

Macao Pov,

I had a rough day on campus, Nop already informed me that hia got mad with pa and left home but he got quite reluctant about the cause of it so I didn't bother him anymore and went to my classes. Well, it's not new. After our mother died hia and dad frequently had small arguments about work or personal issues and hia kind of finds it comfortable being left alone so we all did. 

But this time I got pretty paranoid cause hia stayed out and didn't even bothered to inform us. My anxiety caused massive headaches so I decided to stay at one of my good friends from the same faculties and also because I'm too reluctant to handle pa alone as he must be quite annoyed. I don't know what happened between them but it's probably pretty upsetting for hia to leave. I always showed 0% intriguing intentions  between their conversation or in this wrecked mafia family. But still I wanna be helpful to my hia cause he's the only one who makes me feel alive.


I parked my bike as usual and went for my classes but things didn't went as planned. I had some knock outs with upper class delinquents and got dark blue bruises here there all over my body, well they are so annoying always asking for money or looking for easy ways pretending to my friend. I hate people who usues other's position to get a easy life. Maybe that's why phi' Arm stole my interest.

At first I never noticed him as those huge bears never caught my interest but phi' Arm.... unexpectedly I never thought he can be so strong and beautiful at the same time. I wonder why everyone failed to grab this fascinating character! So strong and caring yet so quiet with a pokar face, mostly so loyal, can't ignore that gorgeous face though he doesn't smile much but he's the best and I will get him one day.

I was about to get some of Pa's expensive whisky secretly cause I'm not allowed to touch his things but then I caught a glimpse of a really suspicious woman prying into our house like a cockroach. Especially, she was lurking at Pa's work chamber so I startled her from behind and planned to discover her intentions but pa cut between us and surprisingly her facial expression which seemed totally fabricated changed into an innocent pitiful mask.

"She's gonna be my wife so try to respect her son!"

Whaaaa? Is he serious? Wife? She? Gonna be my mom? Did pa went senile?

Things started to get rough with pa as he was vigorously talking on behalf of his 'new' lover so I decided to back off and went towards my bed room. I can already guess why hia left. Must be that vixen, I wonder where he is...I took off my socks and called hia but even after dialing numerous times he didn't picked up so it started to concern me, then I heard a faint noise of some vehicle so I thought for a second maybe it's him so I rushed to the varanda of my room but saw a black long car. I was about to scream them off but I halted as 'he' got off the driver's seat.

"What a great luck, what brought you to my house phi'Arm?"

Author's pov,

Arm was mutually astonished noticing Macao running towards them(actually only at him), and his blooming smile for some reason fluttered Arm's heart. He was strictly raised so he never encountered any family concern or affection or any praising words from them so Macao's excitement kind of jingled as a token of happiness for him. But he kept his mouth sealed.

"Khun Macao we have some business with Khun Kan..."

"Oh! Pa's busy with his lover so he can't right talk now."

"It's urgent."

"Then let's go, I'll try to manage him."

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