Extra pt 2🔞

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Bible pov,

I threw him on the bed but he is impatient so he took off his pants. I left the shirt as it was since he looks so appetizing with an oversized shirt without pants up to that plumpy thighs.

But something's missing. I wanna see a vulnerable expression on that bold face.
I'm a beast when it comes to sex. My previous partners even ran for it cause after all not anyone can take a xxl size right? I plan to make him cry and confess himself.

"You're into this?"

Oh! He is not surprised. He has experience? Let's find out....

I took out the leather stripes which I was wearing earlier and tied his wrists behind his body which he showed zero resistance. Nice but I want him to resist.

"Why you got a sullen face? You already tied me so be happy."

"It's not enough when you're showing no reaction."

"Heh then you gotta try harder to make me kneel."

I forgot he's a merciless killer so of course he can't get aroused normally, then again which part of me is normal huh? I'd rather have their bodies filled with purple marks to assure me that yeah, I really fucked someone.

You sweet little bitch, I'll penetrate you to the point you'll squirt harder.

I thought of a nice way to make him beg hopelessly. A guy like him must be used to tortures or bloodshed but what about tenderness? What if I tease him enough to make him go crazy?

Build pov,

Yeah yeah just hurry the hell up and tie wherever you want to, everyone's the same....they wanna fulfill their own reckless fantasies to force me to beg to let me cum and I'm already used to it. Sigh, to think I was even a little taken by this one, guess he's also just like everyone.

"The fuck are you waiting for? Come on or went limp or what?"

Come on hottie do it and I'll kill you later hehe....You all deserve to die, beneath my knife and shivering for life....aaaaa so much fun, why do I love it hahaha.

Huh? What's that? A vibrator? Where did he get that? Even if you put that in me I'm used to it. My fucking fate forced me to experience hell...this is nothing.

Author's pov,

Bib got irritated hearing such haughty words so he grabbed Build's leg and yanked them to get him closer and smirked at him and said,

"Kid, I'll let you see the ultimate fuck."

Before Build could smirk back at him, Bib crushed his lips on Build's tightly and Build couldn't bear his body weight so he fell on his back on the bed with Bib on top of him.

"What now?"

Bib let out his signature cunning jeer and flipped Beau and grabbed his waist up higher with his face dumped on the pillow.

"H-hey what are you...."

"What? Freaked out already ?"

Beau always had rough or just ass fucking but he never had any soft teasings or experienced any pleasure. He even faked moanings to get it done quickly.

"Just put it ...."

"Who says I'm gonna put it in?"

Bib turned the vibrator on and gently touched Beau's neck spine.

KinnPorsche/VegasPete (Love Me Or Die)Where stories live. Discover now