Chapter 5

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                  Bad luck 🤞

Kim pov

I was in my room. All I can think about is that boy. His angelic face, soft voice, small body, bright smile,that's all I can think about. While thinking about him I was focusing on writing my new song. It's a song about him. The moon was really beautiful tonight so I decided to write while sitting beside the window. I was lost in the beauty of the moon cause the boy's smile was as beautiful as this moon. Suddenly I heard a low thud on the door. When I turned I saw that same shadow. It was him,the one who stirred up my heart since that day. He was standing by the door and looking at me with his shiny little puppy eyes.

"Come in,don't just stand there."

He came in. He is really an angel. I was taken completely from the day I first saw him. It's like my whole existance was just to meet him. But I can't tell him that now.

"Why are you still standing?"


He is really stupid sometimes.

"I mean you can sit here."

"O-oh! Khub."

I laughed softly at his clumsy behaviour. He sat beside me by the window. When he sat the moon light fell on his skin making him more beautiful. He stared at my music sheet. I laughed again.

"Did you write this song?"

"Uh hmm."

"Amazing. You can write songs??"

"You can look closely if you want."



He took the sheet in his hands. He is looking so eagerly. He is smiling ear to ear. How can he be so cute and innocent?
He seems really curious. He is looking with his big sparkly eyes. Like a hamster. So cute.

"So? How is it?"

"It's wonderful phi...."

"Kim, I'm Kim."

"Khub phi'Kim."

He gave the sheet back to me and I went back to writing again. He was watching me write and play.

After 10 minutes

"U-um phi'Kim can I say something?"

"Go ahead."

"I'm sorry about that day. I hit you and even pushed you out of the door."

What? He was worried about that? He is such a good boy. It was clearly my fault. What he did was out of panic so it's not that big of a deal but he still apologizes to me.

"It's ok...that was my fault. So you don't have to apologise."

"But I hit you...."

He went silent. Is he feeling guilty? Just over something this little? Sigh,really what am I gonna do with you?

"It's ok besides it healed already."

He looked at my forehead and laughed softly as a sign of relief. He worries too much. But I kind of like it. Before whenever someone tried to show any concern towards me I hated it cause I knew it's fake. They are only worried cause I'm rich and handsome. But he is different. Chay's concern is genuine. It's not fake or lies. His honest smile warms my heart.

KinnPorsche/VegasPete (Love Me Or Die)Where stories live. Discover now